So I got a new prius 2015 that isn't the plug in version but the self genterating battery version, and upon getting it I had the following problems -autoplay of iphone music when I was listening to youtube on my iphone, when the song on youtube was ending and heading to the next song on the playlist (on the youtube app); it would just autoplay the songs written on my iphone memory....this was really annoying so I... - deleted all my songs on my iphone seeing as how they were my mom's not mine. After the display said "no songs detected, plug in a device with valid music" after this it wouldn't play youtube, pandora, nothing when it was plugged in on my iphone all it would do is nothing, no album art or anything would show up.... - What can I do? I am thinking about just getting my stereo from my old car and putting it in the this one, but I kind of don't want to you know?
Seems that people just aren't familiar with the 2015 model. I am having an issue myself (read my other topic), and no one seems to have an answer.
Just maybe get a new custom stereo from best buy ( I might do that idk). Do what seems best for you but also try to contact your dealership or call the toyota support line, which can be found online, that is a tough situation you are in(in response to your "ipod touch" thread)