I Thanks. I'll check with him. The 2007 I looked at had the Husky cargo mat but it was curling up at the edges. Owner said he was pleased with it and wasn't selling it with car. I did look at your profile photo but didn't know there was an album. I'll take a look. I really like the look of the bug shield. Of course it looks best on your gray ChuggyPig but envy gets me nowhere fast...ha!
Look under the "Media" pull-down tab, and search for ChuggyPig… When I first got the car, I transferred the plates from my old Corolla DX Wagon (K1WD) which is my Amateur Radio call
Found photos! I forgot you have a touring. Now I'm really jealous...oops I mean envious! ; ) I did find the windshield guards online. Was just hoping to find a deal on a bug shield but they may be discontinuing them. The Toyota parts website doesn't carry them anymore. Can't splurge on any of these until I sell Vibe. Priority is front seat mats and bug shield. Might get away without cargo mat until garden season next year. We'll see.
Hey Daisy! I love your new avatar! Gorgeous background, and sweet looking car! Have you named her/him yet? Sylvia? Sylvan? Sylvester?
Love the car Daisy. You got a good one. I wouldn't be envious of anyone. Just enjoy the moment and enjoy your Prius. There are disadvantages to everything and advantages. You have a very nice Gen II. You did good.
Thank you for the words of wisdom. I'm enjoying her/him tremendously and the color is growing on me! It's quite sparkly. Everyone who sees it says ..."Wow...is that a brand new car?" On my way home today I heard a little branch fall and hit somewhere. I decided not to look....it's a car to get me places!
So much to catch up on. I have never tipped anyone working at a gas station. I used to be a bigger gas snob than I am now. Buy regular gas on price or convenience. If the car runs fine then stay with it. If the car doesn't like it try another station. When you are at the pump your station is at the handle on the nozzle. If you here the pitch change from the sound of the gas flowing, shut off the flow. Pump too much gas into the bladder and the only thing you will accomplish is getting the car to spit up. There's the law and then there's reality. Speeding on the Turnpike is illegal but that doesn't seem to stop many people. I prefer pulling into a busy station so the guy starts my pump and is then occupied elsewhere leaving me alone to top off (or not), hang up the hose and get my credit card receipt. Skip the bug shield. I didn't recommend protective film because I thought money was an issue. The first trip my car makes is to get as much film applied to it as possible. At least get the top of the rear bumper covered with either a black rubber strip or film. Ask about the door cups. Search for 3M or VentureShield film installers. Before dumping on the guy who backed out of the deal let's keep in mind that he offered to buy the car two month ago. Every day of the week the paperwork thing would have been a deal breaker but let's just say this was one deal that just couldn't be worked out. Sounds like he is trying to help his kid but doesn't want to get stuck. Well, that's just not realistic. Don't think for one second you would have gotten anywhere with any dealer if you tried to get them to take it in trade. Whatever they would have given you as a trade in value they would have added to the price of the Prius IF they would even take the Vibe. Driving like Grandma? Like Jan & Dean's "Little Old Lady from Pasadena"? That's the worst way to get the best out of the car. Short, brisk acceleration is better than long gradual. It'll take some time to get the feel. Negative feelings about the Touring are misplaced. You are only missing 16" wheels and the suspension. There are few circumstances that a Touring is going to deliver better fuel economy. (I know it's tough. I remember how I felt reading about everyone else getting better numbers than me. I improved. You'll improve. The competition isn't against anyone else. The game is to get the most YOU can out of YOUR car.)
I didn't mean to sound like I was dumping on buyer who backed out. Just frustrated/fearful and needing to juggle funds a bit due to last minute change. I thanked him over and over again for being patient. Didn't even sound upset when he called last minute to cancel. Dumping on myself for being in such a predicament. Both buyers were willing to buy Vibe on the spot. Couldn't sell until I found my new car. I've listed Vibe again and will see what happens. The grandma driving is about being much more careful than I was in Vibe. It's a good thing over the long run. Being more cautious about where I park. Slowing down more gently when coming to stop lights etc. I do need some coaching on the acceleration and gliding. Short brisk accelerations is what I was wondering about and will need to practice. I've been doing gentle acceleration and gliding. When it's cold out, how long do you warm car up before heading out? I promise to read up! Just really curious about this one. I've never tipped for gas either. Even when they put air in my tires. I've always thought higher price took care of that. Money is a huge issue but when I saw my pristine hood after looking at so many pitted cars, I really was hoping to protect it some how. I looked into 3M prices for curiosity sake and wouldn't be able to do that. I do have Prius decal film on top of rear bumper already. Would have preferred the black rubber piece but grateful for what came along with it. Thanks for the input!
Don't agonize about the "dings" …poor ChuggyPig had one of his "ears" (Passenger-side Mirror) clipped in a parking-lot back in the spring, so I patched it up with grey "Gaffer-Tape" and it still functions perfectly, and Chuggy wears it proudly as a Battle-scar! Names: I have a couple more suggestions "The Silver Lady" (see Ada Lovelace), Emily or "The Whisper" (see Spirit of Ecstasy). I agree with JimN re. mini-bra, if the previous owner hadn't already fitted it, I doubt I would have bothered (they also added the deflectors on the windows, and clear door protectors, so I guess I was just lucky). I think you did GREAT with your Prius, and your hard work paid off in spades!!! PS: The first lesson to learn when buying/selling automobiles is to have no regrets, ever!
WilDavis said it correctly. No regrets, ever! in automobile buying/selling. It is what it is. Get the most you can for your buck, and don't look back.
Yes, I've missed a few cars I've owned. My 1968 Corvair Monza comes to mine. That car was fun to drive, it handled well and I enjoyed it. My 1991 Nissan Maxima was probably the fastest car I owned. It was fast, I always drove it at 80 to 90 on the Interstate. I bought my wife a 1993 Honda del Sol, we both wanted a convertible, but it had to be an all weather car, too. I sold it to my oldest daughter. She still owns and drives it. Lastly, the Gen Two Prius that I've had for the past eleven going on twelve years. The best car I've ever owned. Never had any trouble whatsoever. The quality is engineered into the vehicle. Regular oil changes, doing the required services and even the recalls. Did I pay a lot for it ? Yes, I paid full price and waited six months for the pleasure of ownership. I has always gotten me where I wanted to go. Its never left me without wheels. Even when the inverter water pump died, it still made it to the dealer where Toyota had a rental car waiting for me. If that would have been a domestic dealer, it would have been tough luck, rent your own car.
I love the names Emma, Emily and Gracie. She would be a silver ish gray Gracie. : ) I guess I better figure out gender first.
Most cars are female, like ships or planes. I know of a couple that own a black Taurus they've named"Tyrone" for some reason. Sylvia is good, or whatever you decide. It's your car. My daughter named her slate gray Corolla, "Lucky Sadie Slate, ECO", because she feels lucky to have her, she loves the deep gray color, and Sadie is ( or used to be) one of Oprah's doggies. And its an ECO model. She calls her Sadie for short.
Emma? Reminds me of the little lady from "Bates Motel". Always needing her oxygen tank... I kind of like Sylvia the best, but Gracie sounds cool too.
I knew ships were considered female but I wasn't sure about cars. Tyrone...that's a good one. I guess I'm not feeling the female vibe from this car yet. Gracie or maybe Grace thinking in terms of definition being elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion or action. I like the concept of naming her Sylvia but I knew a grumpy woman named Sylvia and I think of her when I hear the name. : } "Charis" the Greek word for grace might work. We'll see....
First time I ever heard anyone refer to a "grumpy woman". Grumpy Men, yup - been there done that... I like "Charis" too!