Hello, I have a Prius persona 2015.When I am backing the car, I do not see the guidelines (red,blue,yellow,green etc etc) on the rear view camera.It would be good to have those guidelines. Also, looks like these are pretty much common across all back cameras in cars, not sure why Toyota removed it on Prius 2015. Is there a way to program it so the guidelines appears? Thanks, Sandesh
ok.Thanks..Any idea why they removed those guidelines?..It was just a harmless little thing!!!!Another question, hate it to open a new thread just for that.The door open alert, can it be programmed so that it shows only which door is open? Right now atl east for me, the icon I get seems to show all the doors are open. I had a accord before I traded it for Prius, it showed which door was open( right passenger front,right passenger back etc etc)
not sure they removed it, my 2012 doesn't have them either. nor did my '04 or '08. again, no on the door icon, sorry.
My 2015 Prius v has blue and red guidelines. I find they are very helpful. I assumed all Prius' has the guidelines.
oh you mean Prius Wagon ( Prius V). Yeah it might have. But so far none of the Prius classic models have those guidelines. I tried Toyota dealer, they are clueless..lol
Yep - the wagon. The virtual guidelines are very useful. I've seen better guidelines than the Prius v wagon on another camera - I think it was a Ford. It even had a directional arrow pointing to the spot you were backing up to. But still, any camera is better than no camera (my 2010 Prius hatchback, for example).
Is it maybe just with self-parking models? Our 2010 has backup camera, no superimposed lines or anything.
Here's a pic of the Prius v's guidelines. iIf that's ink they're using it must be magical and therefore costs more than .02.
Since my local Toyota dealer is clueless, someone in Corporate Toyota USA must know why either they removed it or how to get the guidelines back.!!!! Any one know about how to reach out to them?
If I were to guess why they removed it, may be because while backing up with those lines (guidelines), people were not paying attention by turning their heads and looking back. And the classic Prius is such a silent vehicle, and when its backing its mostly on battery during that time. Camry Hybrid is bigger car and may be the engine noise is sufficient for people around it to be wary. Prius Wagon(V) is a bigger car too.!! May be Its a recent policy only from Toyota...! That's my best guess.
When backing up you are -ONLY- using battery power. If the engine is running it's because the heater is calling for heat, the car is in the cat. warmup cycle, or the traction battery is getting low. I suspect some manufacturers of the cameras don't put the lines on them. Why those cameras were used on the "liftback Prius" I don't know, but I can come up with many possibilities. Bottom line, they are not there, and they can't be there without actually changing the camera.