Interesting, it has grille blocking built in. Guess we won't need to jury-rig pipe insulation anymore in the winter. The new Chevy Volt commercials should've did something similar to this, showing off the new improvements, rather than just bashing the Leaf and Prius. Just show a guy going to work and back and plugging in, and then having him take a long range trip and have the gas engine take over to show no range anxiety. Back to the Prius, I'm still kind of mixed on the look. I suppose it's one of those "you have to see it in person" moments, but for now I'm not really digging it. I'm also a bit surprised they didn't have that guy packing a ton of stuff in that second video to show off the huge cargo room the Prius has, and how practical it'll be for most people when shopping.
Well, I guess we need to buy one to "get the girl", and we need to work at "keeping the girl". Marketing!! So now we have some numbers! Mileage etc. And we have a "new" module under the hood. I guess that was what they were hiding? I do find some of the comments of the members a little strange. Ugly tail lamps, etc. If you look and think about it, it's not all that different from the GIII. It has "thin and curved" tail lamps as well. Just not quite as much. I love the white or near white interior. I may actually be able to see things in there! From the figures thrown around in those videos, we, in the cold white north, may see more mileage improvement that those in the heat of the south. All in all, great marketing videos. Lots of information, and well presented. I guess I'll have to use some form of capture as the figures fly by too fast for me! Thankyou Danny, and Toyota!
Love the new facts - hate that Toyota felt they had to play off of male/female stereotypes to tell their story. Glad to see the enhancements relating to warmup and winter fuel economy. Would have liked to see more detail relating to safety improvements, but I imagine those need to be detailed in a country-specific fashion. I still feel starved for technical information - big thanks to E85Prius and Ken in Japan for their work detailing the information found in the Japan service manual
Looks really nice. We all know the babe magnet thing doesn't work, must be his cologne (essence of Mirai condensed water). Let's see was it 502-liters cargo space? x 1000 divide by (3785 ccs/gal x 7.48 gal/ft3) gives me 17.7-ft3 that compares I think to 16.1-ft3 Gen2 and I forget Gen3 but I think 17.1-ft3 (pulling these numbers out of my hat). This is the EU cargo space definition, around 2009 USA went to "EPA" Cargo space which is (bogus) closer to 24-ft3 but it includes rear seat or something. The EU numbers are what you can actually load in the trunk (real).
i have to say, i clicked on the mccartney/springsteen vid after the first one, never saw it before, even better than prius!
Yeah it's a gain of about 1.9 cu ft or about the same as the underfloor bin lol (I think the bin was 1.2 cu ft). A little fuzzy math involved, especially if the consumer is unaware that the gain in space was there before, but just in the form of a bin that wasn't included in (AFAIK) into the calculation of cargo capacity. Either way, you have gain a depth of 11cm or just over 4".
its little bit more than 10% more space than before, in Europe at least they already counted underflow bin.... It is all new/different car though, hatch lid is significantly lower than before too. Also thats without spare wheel... with spare wheel, it is about the same amount of space as before.
it is pretty big trunk for compact car though... it is both longer and deeper and boot opening is also significantly wider.
Hard to see how its longer deeper and wider but has roughly the same volume. What I'd like to know is the clear height when sliding a large item in through the tailgate with the seats down and how long that item can be.
Significantly wider? Are you sure? Wouldn't the double wishbone take up a bit more space than the torsion beam? Ahh I see. Yes you're right, there's also the space where the spare tire would've been but some of that is taken by the high density foam and tire repair kit.
The information about the vehicle is great. But I just don't know if I like the advertising approach Toyota is using. It's 2015. And we are getting 1970's like ad's, where the vehicle drives by, and obviously impresses the girl? Really? With Audi's and BMW's, what widens her eyes, and makes her smile is a Prius? It almost deserves a laugh track. Does anyone ever buy a Prius with the idea that it's going to impress the opposite sex, on the basis of it's "looks"? Just doesn't really seem like what The Prius has ever really been about, and IMO still isn't, regardless of how many times Toyota seems to want to forward this message. And even if you think the New Prius is a class leading beauty, " The Women Like It" is a rather antiquated and somewhat IMO juvenile message. I need to see this vehicle in person. And not that I think it looks ugly. Really I've always liked the Prius. But it doesn't matter how Toyota cuts it, it's still a hatchback. IMO even though I want to see it in person, that back end continues to strike me as a bit ugly. Great to finally see and hear and read about some of the specific changes in technology and design. But I guess I will always think of The Prius as a beautiful duck, and never a Swan. So I kind of wish Toyota would give up on trying to sell me that message. Makes me look back fondly on the Prius driving by a forest of people dressed up as tree's while folk music played. And I hated that ad at the time.
you haven't seen the hyundai commercial where the son, graduating from college, tells his father he's going to drive acrost country.