Dear All, Sorry if I am reinventing the wheel here. I expected to get in the low 40s when I bought my new Prius V, but without doing anything too radical, I got 53.2 MPG on my first tanks. Then I failed to replace the fuel cap properly (triggering a Check Engine Light), and it dropped - but only to 48 MPG or so. I even got 60 MPG on a trip to Alabama once. Kept it between 55 and 60 MPH the whole way. I gather this is normal? Thanks, SCB
Yes, driving efficiently delivers better mpg's! Also, cooler fall temps mean less a/c use but not cold enough to affect things either. You'll see a dip in the winter and another rise next spring.
Thanks for the reply. It's pretty fun seeing how much better you can do with different driving techniques. I suppose the EPA 44/40 estimate is based on somewhat aggressive driving. I wonder what a reasonable high-end expectation might be.
Is that calculated or displayed mpg? Toyota tends to fluff the numbers a little, not sure how much on the v. Even for displayed, that's very good tho, you got a keeper. Our overall average of 5.0 liters per 100 km translates to something like 47 mpg, dammit.
I'll keep an eye on it, Mr. Leisk! I've only 2000 miles on it, and winter is coming soon, so I'll see if the numbers drift downward. I have noticed a small discrepancy between indicated MPG and calculated (with pen, paper, miles and real gallons). Driving this car leads me to believe, through observation, that most people drive very aggressively and for no real gain - other drivers start out super quick and then pull up just in front of me at the next red light.
You get the cookie for efficient driving. You should expect to see several MPG better after break-in. You live in a nice warm place, which is what a Prius likes.
No problem. Being you're in Miss. you shouldn't see as wild of swings as upstate NY. OTOH, here in south Texas mine actually improves in the winter.
I agree. I'm quite shocked myself on the mileage results I've gotten. only 627 miles in and on drives 10 minutes or more I can easily get over 44 mph. I've reached 58 local driving and 53 highway. The reason why I'm shocked is that I expected lower mph compared to my previously owned 2006 Prius. Pump and coasting is much better with the v than it was with the 2006. I got the v only so that I can fit my bicycle in the back with the need for a bike rack.
I commute 80 miles each way to work. 65 of which on highway. My average is 51mpg. The speed limit increases from 25 to 70 with most around 65mph. The cooler weather (50F in morning vs. previous 78F) has me at 56.7mpg.... not Toyota calculated. You can definitely make it a game if you want to.