This might be a silly question but when returning a leased vehicle do they require returning the EVSE? Thanks.
question should be .. Do they check if the evse is in the boot ? My experience when buying the 2014 pip is most sell rep have no clue what a plug in is. You can score a evse for +/- $150, so not worth even thinking about it.
Yeah i figured they would look for it. I'm only asking because I will most likely be buying another electric car and it wouldn't hurt to have an extra.
If you really need it just keep it. Worst you will have to make one extra trip to the dealer to return the evse if they ask for it.(since you will have forget it plugged at home) ;-)
in the interest of honesty, ethics and morality, i would return it, as great as the temptation to keep it and hope they don't notice might be. as to your actual question, ask them if they require it. if they say no, feel free to keep it.