So, someone decided that I did not need my wheel covers/hubcaps anymore. Now I'm wondering if I should replace them or just run with the black steel wheels. I am beginning to like the new look. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sorry the pic is poor quality.
Being a victim of theft. That's too bad. However honestly? I can almost think of nothing I own that I actually might be happy to see stolen more than my hideous Prius wheel covers. As far as your reaction going forward? It's up to you. If it was me? I'm not exactly sure what I'd do, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't bother investing into a new pair of OEM Prius Wheel Covers.
Sorry for my ignorance, what are wheel caps, where do I get them, and is there a particular size. Also, if you or anyone knows what size the lug nuts are, I should probably get some black ones that will work with these wheels and the factory lug wrench, and where to get them. Thanks!!
Keep in mind: he's got black steel rims. FWIW, that's what I use every winter, looks ugly as sin, especially with the rusty center hub. I really wish manufacturers would offer silver steel rims and reasonably priced and available center hub caps.
Depending on your deductible, it might be worth it to file an insurance claim and go full retail through the dealership. Check the price for covers, I think it's something insane like $100 apiece. Failing that, an aftermarket set?
Well that's why I said it's up to him. I have the lighter color Sea Glass Pearl, so as much as I don't like the wheel covers, I don't think it would look particularly good with the black rims. So I keep going with the hideous covers....maybe I'll get "lucky" someday and someone will steal my covers? Thus forcing me to make a move towards wheel appearance improvement.
yep, pretty much as ugly as it gets. luckily mine are not in bad shape, and in a weird way I'm liking the look. Honestly, if I can just get some black lug nuts that will work properly and safely, that will probably be my cheapest option.
I would just leave it like that: 1. They will come back for your new replacement sets 2. MPG will improve with less weight
Honda covers are more theft proof, held on by plastic washers on the shoulder of each lug nut. Still not perfect, but a harder target. Easier on the rim too.
But Toyota has employed a sophisticated anti-theft system for the wheel covers. The SUNWT system. So Ugly Nobody Wants Them. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea somebody would even bother stealing Prius Wheel Covers. Unless they needed new dog dishes?
Mendel Leisk, looks good; thanks for the positive vibe. I think this look works with the silver color. Are those black lug nuts? If so, where did you purchase them? Thanks.
No, the galvanized, open ended one per post #9. The first invoice in my book, lol: p/n 90942-01007. $1.55 per. Actually, they're probably what you've got on there now.
Just looking at that sorry center nut (post #9): wonder if they could even get it off, if needed. I did a little rust prevention on suspension fasteners a while back, and a lot of the bolts and nuts look like that. Someone commented that more rust proof coatings they used to use have been curtailed, supposedly carcinogenic.