Hello all my fellow Prius Chatters. For the last 8 years I have been a constant on Prius Chat. This last Sunday, 10/4/15 I drove off the Nissan lot with a 2014 lease return with 10k, Baby Red looking good yesterday for her last ride to Nissan to drop her off so someone else can enjoy her! For those of you wondering why I have moved on, easy! After 8 truly enjoyable years, I had finally come to the point of asking myself, "Is this all there is to HSD and good MPG, why did they have to pollute the 87 Octane fuel supply with Corn Ethanol? I went from 48/50 MPG summer to currently all summer 44 MPG! A dramatic loss at best. This was a big slap & let down there. I needed to evolve, and I searched until I found the answer quite by accident! Nissan LEAF! I will be hanging out on the Leaf section, and MyLeaf.com. To all of you, I have never been part of such an exiting idea as HSD! It has been my honor to read & respond to your thoughts, queries, puns, and yes, even the stupid stuff! But it's all good, I will be lurking, and always available to Chat with lovers of Prii! Finally, to the Moderators. You guys just simply rock!!! Danny, you da man.This has been one of the nicest and useful Forum Boards that I have ever used. A very heartfelt "Thank You" to the folks who keep that putting that Prius Chat bar up to the high standards I have come to expect. If there is ever a major West Coast get together, and you Moderators attend, I will happily offer many rounds of drinks, stories, & laughter! The Prius is dead, Long live the Leaf!
Yeah, the Leaf is just a little bit bigger all around. Kinda like a Gen II might look on Steroids! Several bonus tips, that large blind spot we Gen II owners drive in, is not there on the Leaf. I can see much better. Quick off the line too... not running ECO Mode yet. I like the zip! I'm nicknaming her "Tesla Lite"! In two years when the final house payment is made, we going for the REAL Deal Tesla. 400 mile all electric. My last auto! I can afford it then! I got it all planned out, I already have laid the ground work ... a 7.5 kW Solar System on the house just waiting to pump that girl full of Sun Power!
you'll love the leaf, no blind spots, much more comfortable, no gas, quieter, I kept my prius though, in case, for the longer trips
congrats kk, we'll miss ya! drove by the new tesla store in dedham, ma yesterday, i was so tempted to stop...
Congrats! I've actually found interior space to be shorter in my Leaf than my old 2004 Prius. Toyota has a good thing with HSD and I would have gone Prius EV but alas, they are going the fool-cell route to their own demise. Go Leaf!
Actually I'm just a cheap SOB who hates oil companies jacking up gas prices when they blow up one of their refineries, or schedule maintenance when the system is really needed for "Summer Blend" BITE ME BIG OIL!!! That's why I went electric, and it's cool!
I too would purchase an all electric like the leaf, but its range sucks balls. My work commute is about 45 miles round trip, and I also like to take road trips that far exceed the range of the Leaf.
That's my issue as well. Round trip commute is 46 miles Monday-Friday, so no problem there. It's when I want to visit my daughter in PA that range anxiety sets in. And no, I won't spend $70K+ for a Tesla, unless the Model 3 (whenever it becomes available) comes in under $40K and has at least a 200 mile range.
Congrats on a great choice of car and colour I'm with you on so many things and it's a shame Toyota have given up on EV and gone fuel cell. I wonder how many customers they're going to lose? I love my Leaf, I live the zip, I love it's so comfortable and I love that I haven't been to a petrol station for 3 months. I also never look at the price board when I pass one - a habit I didn't realise I'd got in to. It'll probably take you a good month or so to realise the engine isn't going to kick in when you reach about 10 mph. It's also a joy to be gathering 30kw on maximum regen. Really sad that Toytoa won't do EV as their customer service was the best.
Lol.. I'm waiting for 300 mile range and autonomous driving.. Cant wait to sleep on the way to work.. Nexus 6 ?
How does the old joke go? "I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my father. Not screaming and terrified like his passengers"