Hi I have been browsing these boards for a while, let me introduce myself. I own a 2005 prius, 104,100 miles. I had the pleasure of renting a 2014 prius this summer for a trip. It was so quiet that I started to question if there is something wrong with my 2005 prius. My steering wheel makes a clicking sound, just like a computer mouse click when it turns 45 degrees (left or right), it will go *click* .. *click*, if I turn it all the way to lock the wheels, it will click 4 times. Is that normal? I just had an inspection done and I forgot to mention it. The dealer gave me new front brakes, 1 tire, replaced the rusty bracket of the center pipe, and clean/adjusted my parking brake ($575 w/ coupon). My parking brake also makes a clicking noise when I engage it, is that normal? I don't have a garage, so I park on the streets of NYC . When I am parallel parking and need to get out of a tight spot, I firmly brake while turning my wheel and reversing to avoid hitting the other person's car. When I do this, I hear a thump as I press the brake all the way down. Is that normal? [After 4 posts, it will let me post a link to the sound file of the thump and steering click.] I have new car fever, I'm trying to hold on to this car since it is reliable and no problems. But I sure need space, my trunk is full and I plan to move later this month with my belongings in my car, I'm thinking of a prius v. My car was bought cash 2 yrs ago at 88,064 miles from an auction (it was a government car, clean carfax but tons of scratches). It has a lot of rusty bolts, screws and I see traces of snow salt on the parts under my hood. I will attempt to change my pcv valve and spark plugs myself. Should I pay $800 to maintain it (service needed: trans fluid replacement, engine and inverter coolant replacement, drive belt replacement, muffler replacement, brake fluid flush)? Can I tow a small trailer?
By the way, I know nothing about cars. I have learned from ya'll how to change my own air filter, cabin filter, check oil and tires. From youtube, I learned to do small bodywork.
welcome! i know nothing about cars either, can barely drive one, but i wish you all the best with your questions!
The steering wheel should be silent when turning from one side all the way to the other side. The parking brake is supposed to make clicky sounds. The thumps/clicks from the applying brakes is semi-normal. By that I mean that the braking system is different and requires a pump to keep the hydraulic pressure up so that the brakes can operate properly. When it makes excessive noise, especially really loud noises, is when it is not normal and requires servicing. This component, the accumulator, is expensive btw. Yeah, because you live in a state where snow falls, the salt from the roads will cause rapid deterioration of all untreated metal surfaces. If you are planning to move to another state/area where it doesn't snow, then I would wait and pick one up from there. If not, repairs can be expensive if neglected for too long.
Clicking from steering isn’t normal. Do buttons on your steering wheel work? In any position of steering wheel? If not it’s probably spiral cable going to steering wheel. Brake pump noise and slight noise from engaging brakes are normal.
Thank you for responding! I will have to get the steering wheel checked out. It was making that sound from the time I bought it. The sad thing is it has been inspected by 3 different Toyota dealers several times over the 2 years I have had it and it was never investigated. I assumed they road tested the vehicle after putting on brakes, tires etc. I just thought it was normal and never specifically mentioned it. Yes, the buttons on my steering wheel work. I hear the click if I turn it 45 degrees lt/rt or all the way to either side. A slight turn of the steering wheel is silent.
Thank you. From what you said, I need my steering wheel checked out. I will pray this is not an expensive repair. The slight thump of the brakes is probably normal. I will be moving down south, no more road salt. *happy dance*
Were you turning it while moving or while in park? If while moving, then might be bad CV axles. It's odd to have both axles go bad at once, but it happened. If while in park, then might be your steering column. Either way, it's not normal and should be checked out when you have time (nothing to really panic about). I hate dealers, they are robbers. That's one expensive service. I don't remember parking brake "click". It usually sounds like a metal rubbing against metal to me. But, if I were you I would not worry about it. Are you slamming on the brake while the vehicle is moving (even if just slowly)? If you are, then yes. Ease into the brake. If you are not, then I can't really think of anything that possibly cause a thump while braking. I got my 07 Prius from auction too.. Yay, auction buddy!!! Welcome to car ownership in New England. Rust parts are fine. They look bad, but they are just exterior rust. Those parts usually are thick enough to withstand rust for many years and eventually will get replaced. If you have rust on the body, that's another story. The panels on the body is thin and rust will eat through it in a few years. Wash and wax your car at least twice a year will help. Since you said you live in NYC and park on the streets, do you have the space to do these? Do you have the tools? If not, then you're out of luck. In general, you should be able to do most of those with minimal tools (a decent ratchet, a set of deep sockets, and a ratchet extension will do). Doing the muffler will be more involved and probably require more tool. I don't know if I would trust towing to the Prius. It does not have that much torque. However, I have seen people with hitch on their Prius. Good luck.