Overall I'm very happy with the Bluetooth performance of the v. But one thing that drives me nuts is whenever we watch a video on our idevices, the sound of the person's voice is out of sync with their lip movements, by a few seconds. Have others experienced this, and if so is there a solution?
Ran into that for the first time while waiting for someone. Since there is no way to adjust the delay, the only way around it is to use a cord from the headphone jack to the aux jack of the vehicle.
On my IPAD 3 the delay is more like 0.25 to 0.5 seconds. I have read that it's sometimes a function of the transmitter performance. In the case of Apple TV, the IPad or IPhone is sending data and video with a more unique protocol to ensure sync.
On other bluetooth devices (my Bose Soundlink Mini come to mind), the delay isn't nearly as bad, and sometimes spot on. But trying three different iPhones and one iPad, the delay is terrible when used with the v. Oh well, looks like it's time to break out the trusty aux cord.