I bought a 2006 Prius in May and it now has around 120,500 miles on it. The past two weeks I've been getting increasingly worse MPG, starting at 42 and now dropping down to 32 avg. I usually get around 50 but I initially chalked it up to an increase of highway driving. Today I noticed that my battery level went down to one and then two lines and was purple, then a few minutes later went back up to five or so and was blue and then went to green again. It kind of seemed like it lost some power too. My average MPG says it is 32. Not sure if this is related, but last week when I filled the tank, it only took 7ish gallons, where it normally takes 9.5. The first line of the gas level, which typically takes about 100+ miles to go away went down after 25 and the tank was empty after 300 miles rather than my normal 500. But then when I refilled the tank yesterday and it took the full amount. Is there something wrong with my electric battery? What could be causing the poor MPG and low battery?
It does sound like the high-voltage traction pack is losing performance. Keep an eye out for warning indicator lights in the future. Also listen for the cooling fan in the rear seat side bolster running at high speed. The decreased tank range is a result of the drastically decreasing fuel economy. The fill-up amounts sound normal. The fuel gauge lacks accuracy and consistency in these cars, and the fuel bladder also changes in volume (mostly based on temperature). My fill-ups are usually between 7 and 8.5 gallons, but it drops into the 6s in very cold weather. Continue to monitor the signs, but you may want to start researching solutions. It's unfortunate that you're encountering this so soon after purchase.
Ugh. I really hope not. hen I bought it in May I had a wheel bearing done on the left side and replaced a leaking axle seal on the right side. I also changed the air filter. Other than that, it hasn't needed anything else and passed inspection. There are no lights on or anything.
Hi and welcome to PriusChat. This is not unusual at this stage, but they will come. When? Couldn't say, two weeks, a month, maybe longer. As an aside, I realise you are new here, and probably new to forum etiquette - so this is not a personal dig, just an "educational opportunity" - but, you have posted this same post in three different forums here, which in forum parlance is called cross-posting. Cross-posting is to be avoided as it makes it hard for yourself, as well as respondents, to keep track of what has been said. Also, some of the more seasoned and knowledgable participants are less likely to respond for these reasons. I have reported the posts to the moderators to have them merged, so all the information is contain in one thread. Back to the question, some have already covered this, but check on your warranty status, not sure if NH is a CARB state, but I'm thinking not. Even so, if the car has a good service record at a Toyota dealership over its life, you may be able to appeal to Toyota USA for a "goodwill assistance" contribution to a new battery. If you are successful, you could get a new battery for the price of a "rebuilt" (and I use this term very loosely") battery. A new battery is vastly preferable to a "rebuilt". Anyway, at this stage, as advised by others, get the Mini VCI, and see what it tells you about the battery. I hope you can get things sorted in a reasonably painless way.
The gas tank fill-ups they vary on Gen2 due to flexible gas tank bladder, and the colder it gets, the less you can get in there. 500 miles per tank I never got, you really gotta average 50+ MPG to get 500 miles. Keep in mind short trip driving kills MPG cause MPG is 25 MPG first 5-10 minutes. So if you are going highway getting 500 mi/tank and now driving short trips this explains. I don't think we usually see bad MPG when the HV battery dies, but a few say that. Check the 12v per Bisco. NH was former CARB state so no longer CARB.