More Than 1,000 People Want 2016 Toyota Mirai Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Should be very interesting to see how people like the Mirai. And additionally, how reliable the hydrogen filling stations will be. Hope we see some scenarios where 3-6+ people need to fill up at the same time.
I would pioneer with the Mirai knowing the existence of local refuel location. So far, it is difficult to find a CNG one.
This is all in it's infancy. 1000 people is a very modest number. But maybe near where everything needs to start. To me the point isn't really proving or disproving that the infrastructure for hydrogen fueling station is strong or viable vs. "not ready", it's clear at this time it's really not ready for the masses. What I'm interested in at the start, which is now, in small number return, is how early adopters feel about ownership and operation. That is for these few early owners, how does the vehicle act on a day to day basis, long drives, short drives..and reliability. Fueling simply IS probably going to be somewhat a sacrifice and challenge at this point. I'd guess most people signing up to be an early purchaser of the Mirai know the reality of fuel station locations and potential availability, which simply is NOT going to match the infrastructure of regular gasoline stations and/or even the good ol' home charging station or electric plug, electric vehicle charging stations infrastructure. With such a small number of people looking for initial ownership the challenges in refueling may actually be reduced. But I think the answer as to refueling is pretty much already there. For these Pioneers? It's not going to be as easy and convenient. This could and I would expect with any degree of success, should change with time.
There is already a full sign up sheet on this. It is at semi-final selection phase with 100 people left. The mission will be a 4 person crew.
What they should really do for cars of this experimental nature, is drive them themselves. Have the Toyota R&D guys, the executives, drive them and use them. The old IBM saying "Eat your own dog food" applies here.
One-Way Mars Colony Project Draws 200,000 Volunteers 200,000 but come on its mars, its not a mirai! If you only want to lease 3000 in 27 months, 1900 interested people aren't bad. Its not the 20,000 people that put deposits on the model X, but .... Toyota is saying they don't have any electric car demand. Toyota: "No One Is Coming To Our Door Asking Us To Build A New Electric Car"
1900 may be "interested" but how many have put any money down? 0? How many will walk when their number comes up & they get the email that the car is at the dealership? Based on the stories of disgruntled fuel cell drivers over their filling stations Toyota's drivers may be paying more attention to the hype & promises than to real world observations. There aren't going to be any long drives in a Mirai because there won't be any fuel along the way or at the other end.