If you're curious about the transaxle/transmission/inverter fluid change debate visit the GEN I meeting in the GEN II section of the chat. That's where it all got started and some early research and testing was done. With the PiP and GEN III we all hope that Toyota has worked the kinks out. But there is that old saw, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'. Ed K
There's a fill bolt, a drain bolt, a specd fluid, instruction in the Repair Manual, the procedure is an easy DIY: all of this is red-flag-to-a-bull, for me, hehe.
OK, why not see some real data. Here is my history of lab tests on my 2004 Prius. I did the first drain/refill/test at 61k miles (when I als had some virgin WS tested for comparison). I then repeated the tests at 120k, 180k and 240k. I am now at 278k miles and still going. The attached file shows the results from the first three tests. These results are the source of the oft-stated suggestion to do an early ATF refresh (at 30k) and then every 60k thereafter. Always remember YMMV. JeffD
Could someone please translate the results of the lab tests to something in the area of "Does all the crud that accumulates in the ATF cause wear that could lead to expensive Prius transaxle replacement/repairs?" There is no question that lots of measurable crud accumulates, and it looks disgusting. The question is "does it matter?". Along the lines of "the teeth on the gears will wear down and eventually strip", or "the bearings will wear down and fail", or "the metallic crud will get into the motor-generator and cause a short circuit."
without extensive testing, which toyota has probably done, it's meaningless. to say, i had all this oil tested, it was bad, i changed it and haven't had any issues, without a control group of tranny's that haven't had the oil changed and failed, is pointless. it's a precautionary service that may or may not pay off. it's possible to drop $4-500. over 200,000 miles for nothing.
Well, DIY transaxle fluid change is around $40. Do one early on, then a couple more over the car's lifetime, not bad.
I would not buy a used Prius that had never had the ATF refreshed at regular intervals. There have been a small number of Tranny failures in our Prii, usually around 100k miles, but none of them had had regular ATF maintenance. Remember that Toyota estimates Prius end of life to be 150k miles, I keep my vehicles much longer than that and maintain it accordingly. JeffD
I just watched an episode of Wheeler Dealers where they fix up an old Citroen that has an engine that ran without an oil filter. That meant the oil had to be changed every 1200 miles. I wonder what the original owners thought of an oil filter than will double or triple their OCI? I wonder what I'll do with the Gen 6 Prius that may have lifetime engine oil that never needs changing? Will I preemptively change every 10k miles as I dutifully perform on my Gen 3? I do love the onward march of technology. You can't say something like that and expect no one to call you out on it. Where is your source for this statement?
So what you are saying, is that there is no down side (other than the minimal expense), and it is cheap insurance.
yes, i don't see how there can be a downside to fresh oil, but i'm no expert. i don't keep my cars but if i did, i would probably consider it.
That's right, I forget the service schedule is part of the owner's manuals. The advice I'm remembering is to play it safe and take the trans fluid inspections in the maintenance schedule as replacements.