Thanks to the internet and some resourcefulness here is her address and phone numbers... You know, just incase you want to send some "fanmail". Brent and Shirley Roper [edited by moderator--if you want to send fanmail do your own research, we won't publish it on Priuschat] This is definately worth viewing..... :angry: Seriously, I don't think I've ever felt so much anger towards someone in my life..........ever!
Hmm, I wonder if she drives a Black prius? :lol: :lol: You know anyone that would assocciate her with religion as a general comparison is right there on her level. I listened to the video I would classify her a total nut case and her religion follows pretty close to the Airian Nation beliefs. She should be stripped nude and dropped into a camel jockey incampment in afganistan , and let them do with her what they will.... Thats about the meanest thing I could come up with... :angry:
You said it...WOW!!! I've read about her but never saw the interview. Fundamentalism in its true and ugly form. Amazing. As a member on active duty in the military, I still don't see how being gay and dead soldiers from Iraq are even remotely connected. Wrath of God? Just number 1,003 why I hate religion......
What a sick F'ed up idiot....seriously, I guarantee she has been on Lithium at some doubt in my mind.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ May 1 2006, 07:48 PM) [snapback]248336[/snapback]</div> She gives the mentally ill a bad name. Only a very high dose of a very strong medication can help her.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ May 1 2006, 08:56 PM) [snapback]248377[/snapback]</div> Na. doubt any meds will help. If we need to deport any people (illegal or not) from our nation, she is on the top of my list.
Wow, this is the first time I think I can say I agree with Hannity. These righties make Hannity FOX look liberal. It might be worth serving prison time to meet up with one of their "protests" and let out some built up anti-religion aggression. There's not a jury in the country that would convict someone of going after these religous zealots.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ May 1 2006, 07:17 PM) [snapback]248317[/snapback]</div> Well if she or her ilk were the only representatives of "religion" as a whole I suppose you could say that. But we both know that isn't true therefore a blanket condemnation of religion is as intolerant as this sick person. She doesn't know squat about the Bible or the God she thinks she is representing. I couldn't even watch the whole thing why did Hannity & Colmes even give this woman air time? Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Amazing Arthur @ May 1 2006, 09:58 PM) [snapback]248403[/snapback]</div> You know something I am so tired of Narrow-minded, Intolerant, Hate filled people. You and your ilk are no different than this lady and her sick companions. Christians are people just like the rest of you some good some bad. Edited: to replace a paragraph with a challenge in it to a link for the topic. Wildkow p.s. I also declare that more intolerant hate filled speech has been posted on this board from these so called tolerant anti-religionist than from the Fundamentalist by a factor of 3 to 1.
1. Lately (last 3-4 years), the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. 2. Private contributions from millions of people to CARE, the Red Cross and the scores of nonprofit organizations that assist children (e.g., Children's Fund, others that advertise on late-night TV). While that is not a single "institution", neither is there a single "Christian Church". I wish I had numbers for comparison. Which institution do you think has perpetrated more child molestations?
wow.. makes you wonder. If she's the "spokesperson" for her family... ahem... "church"...what are the rest like? :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ghostofjk @ May 1 2006, 10:44 PM) [snapback]248421[/snapback]</div> Gee I wish you had numbers too. Without them you lose. Wildkow p.s. Please go here for the rest of your comments on the challenge I do not wish to hijack this topic.
Somone look into that, I'll bet shes got a black prius in the garage lol SHe is a true example of some of the lefties "also declared in this thread that more intolerant hate filled speech has been posted here on this board from so called tolerant anti-religionist than from the Fundamentalist by a factor of 3 to 1. So yes there are some here who could be closely compaired to this woman here on this board, you know who you are & would be the ones to take offence to this and any other comparisons. :mellow: She sould be stoned in the street..
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 2 2006, 12:07 AM) [snapback]248404[/snapback]</div> It is not a blanket condemnation. I can tell you are deeply religious and this is not meant to attack you personally. There are MANY very good religious people out there helping the poor, speaking up against the war, doing what's right for the environment and their fellow man. Basically living the life of Jesus. But... You cannot refute the fact that religion has done terrrible harm upon this world in the form of wars, mind control, fueling anger, etc...This is fact...the Spanish Inquisition, Mass. Bay Colony, the Crusades, the IRA, the Middle East, etc...and yes, ever here in current US with the religious right and their crazy extremist agenda.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 2 2006, 02:42 AM) [snapback]248440[/snapback]</div> You already hijacked it. And besides, why does ghostofjk lose? You haven't presented any numbers either. At this point it's a draw.
As much as I hate religion, this has nothing to do with religion. If you watch the clip about 3/4 of the way through the interviewer mentions that her "church" is Fred Phelps and his family. Fred Phelps makes his living by conducting obscene and insulting protests, and being as offensive has he possibly can. Up until recently, I believe his target was usually gays. It's possible that the gay community has learned what he is up to and now ignores him so he has apparently branched out. Anyway, several (all???) of Phelps's daughters are lawyers. His objective is to get people to assault him, and then he sues them. Again, this has nothing to do with religion. It has nothing to do with right-wing or left-wing politics. It is one sick pervert's way of making money: Insult people, and sue them when they slug you. He was in Fargo a couple of years ago for the gay pride celebration, but the local gay community put out the word for everyone to just ignore him, regardless of how offensive he became. It looks like now he's going after soldiers. The big smile on her face is probably because she knows how profitable this is going to be.
No worse than Fred PHelps and Co or many other organized 'religious' nuts coming to San Francisco and marching around with their bullhorns condemming everyone in sight. Ya gotta laugh at so many 'religous' people who think spewing their hate will further their cause. NOW,tell me if there is a hell, who is more likely to win a place there, people like this or a loving same-sex couple who adopt unwanted children and make them part of their family. True religion has aplace for some people who need to be 'guided' by a higher being, but such perversions are worse than anything I have ever witnessed. I, personally could be moved to support such religous thinking as a truly religious person wouldbe 'converted' to enjoy supporting any religion other than their own 'brand'