3-4 times since 2012 the low pressure warning light has come on. A few times in early morning with cool temps overnight. Now after service at a dealership where they did a 20 point check, the day or so after picking up, the light came on, the front right tire was low 26-27. I filled the tires and a few weeks later the light came back on, the right rear tire is 1-3 lbs low, I just last night filled all tires to 37 and will check what happens next, any thoughts?
Either you have a small leak in the tire of the dealer didn't check the air pressure right at service.
I Know it's either a leak or sensor malfunction one or the other, the only way I know to check is fill all tires to the same pressure and check pressure often and see if light comes on with all tire pressure the same.
Maybe your TPMS was previously set with the tire pressures higher? This could cause the light to come on with even minor pressure drop. Get your tire pressures as you want, do the reset procedure, see if that helps?