I've got a Garmin 3597, currently on a sandbag mount on top of the dash roughly above the right center a/c vent. I'm not interested in one of the vent mounts that somehow uses the a/c vent as I don't want anything interfering with any of the a/c trying to get into the cabin. I don't want a windshield mount as it's way beyond reach. Does anyone have a mounting suggestion other than that, hopefully with photos and/or a link?
This is what I use: http://www.proclipusa.com/dashboard-mounts/vehicle/toyota/prius/2010-2016/proclip-left-mount-804356-13997.cmsv?p_leftorright=0
Have ours on the "sandbag" stuffed over in the corner very similar to Mendel's location above. Never thought to stick it to the glass like Mendel did. Have a Garmin "Nuvi". Also have the onboard Nav. Both of them can lead you to dead end's if you are not careful.
I'm using the 12v outlet below the dash so I didn't want the cord dangling around the steering column.
I have mine on the flip down cover for the storage area under the radio, I used double sided tape, its been there for a year..DONT STICK IT TO THE TOUCH SCREEN I have seen so many people do that
My bag is off to the left tucked in the side window too and I'm also using the front power outlet. Any excess cable is wrapped around the mount, so nothing dangles. And since the opening is covered with cloth, you might even be able to clip it behind the dash. I didn't do that because I use the Garmin in other vehicles. There are mounts that replace the shifter knob, but then you have to look down too much for my tastes. Nimbus Mount Co.
I've tried suction and adhesive, but the brutal summer heat here just makes those a non-starter for me.
I've been using the Ram Mount suction cup with xgrip for a few years now and love it, no heat issues. Just figured I'd throw it out there SAMSUNG-SM-N910A ?
Our suction cup method does let loose, maybe two~three times a year. We're low mileage and garage stored tho.
I have a beanbag mount tucked into the left corner sitting on a nonslip mat. The mat bonded with the dash. It isn't pretty as the power cord/antenna is plugged into the power outlet on the dash but it works. Rock solid through 35mph turns.