love it. too funny, imagine gm thinking they have any shot against the prius. wait, they don't even think that, but they are hoping someone will believe it. reminds me of the old volkswagon 'my car goes vroom, vroom' ads. it is good to be number one.
Fightin' yesterday's battles. Although in their defense, 1) not many non-car people probably know about the 4th-gen right now (they *would* recognize the 3rd-gen shown), and 2) why would they help publicize the new Prius? They only have a short envelope in which this ad would be effective, and I think they nailed it in that respect.
Chevy got a bunch of marketing morons to talk to a bunch of consumer morons like they were morons and that's what you got.
Why no picture of the Gen IV? Did Chevy not know about a new Gen IV coming out? This ad is stupid and if they show it, it makes GM look stupid.
The 2016 Prius specs and features are still secret. 2016 Volt can be configured now. Who are the morons?
PIP isn't Toyota's leading product. That's a fundamental difference. GM bet the farm on Volt, yet only produced & sold a small number. It's strange how gen-2 Volt will be so limited in availability, yet see it put up against the regular (no plug) Prius. What are they trying to accomplish?
Did I call anyone a moron? With the knowing that the NEW Gen IV will be out within the 1st quarter of the new year, why run an ad with an older version? Seems like they are trying to jump on an opportunity before its too late!
I replied to a poster who lives in a state where Volt deliveries begin next week, and new Prius deliveries begin months later.
Fair enough. Then put a PiP in the commercial. Wait, that doesn't work either - the PiP uses the same ancient lithium battery technology too.
Right. Just remarking on this weird, inaccurate, and otherwise misleading commercial. Both NiMH and LiIon have been used commercially in many products for longer than 15 years, yet the commercial says that the Volt "uses state of the art battery technology...the Prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago..." Indeed, why are they comparing a gen 3 Prius lift back to a gen 2 Volt that is in a significantly higher price class. The Volt is model year 2016 but the Prius is model year 2015, not exactly fair when the 2016 models of both will arrive around the same time frame. Also, the 2016 Prius liftback will offer a lithium battery on some of the trims.
It is a misleading ad, the Volt and the Prius are really two different cars that have their pluses and minuses. They really should have shown the PIP, but clearly their assumption here is that most consumers are uninformed. Like someone stated, this ad has a very limited lifespan with the intention of moving the new cars out.
Or their assumption was that the Gen III PiP is out of production, and if a potential buyer is shopping for the next 3-6 months in a CARB state, his choice in current models starting next week is a Gen 2 Volt or a Gen III Prius lift back, so that's what they're comparing. Chevy also released an ad addressing the Leaf (also two different cars (along with Volt)) that have their pluses and minuses (and Chevy, oddly enough, didn't mention the next gen a Leaf with much improved range which, like the 2016 Prius, hasn't been released or publicly specced yet). Chevy isn't addressing the feelings of competitors' enthusiast forums, it's addressing car shoppers in the CARB states which its market research has presumably identified as cross-shopping Volt against Prius and Leaf. A car ad intended to sell new cars during the period the ad is in release? How novel.