I've RTFM, all 4 of them, and there's no mention of what some of the icons mean on this MFD. I attached a picture - so what are the blobs under some of the bars? Since they're all on the bottom, I'm assuming they mean I was running on battery, just like someone to confirm it. Also, on the right side, there's another blob that apparently is always " = 30 wh ", what the...why, we oughta... Thanks in advance!
That represents the amount of energy that you've regenerated (generally, while braking). Each car icon is 30 watt-hours (Wh). My manual shows it, but not very clearly, I suppose. If you switch to the 5-minute interval display instead (by holding down the "DISP" switch on the steering wheel while the screen above is showing), then each car indicates 50 watt-hours. It will display up to 8 of them, in half-car increments.
Someone else here was referring to those blobs as leafs the other day, lol. My 2 cents: I never display that screen, too distracting. Like this one, quite useful: Toyota, always looking for 3 word title they can break down to an inscrutable acronym, dub it the Hybrid System Indicator (HSI). I usually call it the bar graph or something similar.
In the owner's manual on page 52, the blobs are called out as item ➌ in the top picture, and item ➋ in the bottom picture ... and again as item ➋ in both pictures on page 53. -Chap