Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Redblue88, May 1, 2006.

  1. Redblue88

    Redblue88 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    If this has been posted elsewhere, I apologize, but I couldn't find it in any other thread. It appears that although the CD player in pkg 3 plays wma files, I can't get them to play if they are DRM (digital rights management) protected. In other words, any files I bought for 99 cents from musicmatch and copied to a CD in WMA format (and not burned into wav format) won't play. The manual does not discuss this. Anyone else have this issue, and, more importantly, has anyone found a workaround? It's nice that I can compress CDs I already own into mp3/wma format and get more songs per CD, but I'd like to be able to do that with other songs as well. My DRM compatible mp3 player plugs into the aux and works just fine, but it would be nice to be able to use the MFD/steering wheel to control and not use up batteries. Thanks for any help.
  2. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    This is why I hate the RIAA and any form of DRM on music/video/games/data. Its screws the honest person in the long run. You can burn a redbook audo cd of your DRMed music and rip the cd to mp3 or wma. You'll lose some sound quality that way. Or you can download your songs you paid for on the emule network or kazaa. Or if your lucky you can find a torrent of your music you can download. I recomend allofmp3.com its cheap and you can get your music in anyformat free of the crappy DRM.

    I havnt BOUGHT any DRM music, games, videos, or software since 2000 and i'm proude of it. I'm using as much free and open source software as possable. As for the rest of the stuff well i'd rather not talk about it. ;)

    Information wants to be free and will always be free with the digital age!
  3. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(theforce @ May 1 2006, 11:43 AM) [snapback]247952[/snapback]</div>
    Maybe you should hate the dishonest people who would spend 99 cents to download a song and would then share it with 10 million of their closest friends. They are the ones who made DRM software attractive to the content producers.
  4. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I see the DRM snake has bitten you. The RIAA and the MPAA both need to be stopped. If pricing were appropriate, then there would be no need for DRM, because there would be no piracy. DRM doesn't stop pirates anyway; all it does is make life difficult for the honest folks.

    To get rid of the DRM, burn the songs to a CD as a true CD. Then, reimport and recompress the files into either WMA or MP3. Enjoy!

  5. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ May 1 2006, 12:07 PM) [snapback]247964[/snapback]</div>
    What amazes me is the opinion that listening to any piece of music you choose at any time you choose is some sort of god given right, kind of like breathing.

    Your view stems from the belief that if someone can't afford to buy 1000's of songs then it's perfectly alright for them download them for free. Because it's a god given right to have an iPod full of songs and listening to free radio just isn't a viable option. So, you put the blame not on the dishonest person who pirates the music, but rather on the people who produce and sell the music.

    How about this... If people were honest, then there would be no need for DRM, because there would be no piracy.
  6. Redblue88

    Redblue88 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 1 2006, 12:20 PM) [snapback]247972[/snapback]</div>
    The concept of DRM doesn't bother me. In fact, it comes in handy when the file gets corrupted or there's an issue with the software, you have someone you can go back to and get relief (most outlets will keep a record of your purchase and let you redownload the song for a period of time). What irks me is that they chose to implement it in such a way as to disrupt players even when the use of the song is legal (as in my case). I will try the suggestions here. I didn't think you could re-rip a DRM wav file back to mp3 and strip the DRM tag as a result, but I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
  7. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Don't make a DRM Wav file. Make a CD. Not a CD-ROM with files on it, but a CD-DA, Audio CD.

  8. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 1 2006, 12:20 PM) [snapback]247972[/snapback]</div>
    I believe we have a right to buy anything like music and use it how we want to use it as long as we dont profit off of it. Its called fair use. For an example I buy a DRM cd (I would never do shuch a thing) and want to listen to it on my mp3 player. I cant do that because the $#@%%$# at the RIAA say I have to listen to it on a round disk in a player that will play it. That means I have to lugg around hundreds of CDs and a player that will be obsolete shortly. What if I scratch the cd? Am I screwed now? YES! because I could not make a backup copy of the DRM CD! I beleive if you have a broken CD you can download non DRM mp3s if you want. You bought the music and you still have a right to listen to it when ever, and how ever you want.

    DRM will never stop pirates. The way I see it is that a pirate was never going to buy the stuff to begin with and that will not effect a sale. This is about 50% of piracy. 15% are the stupid ones that try to resell copied cds on the black market. Thats the one they need to go after. The last 35% or so would be the try it, like it, buy it people. I fall into the 35% group but I wont buy anything that has DRM.
  9. Redblue88

    Redblue88 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ May 1 2006, 01:55 PM) [snapback]248029[/snapback]</div>
    I understand. That's what I meant to say I was going to do (I already burned an audio CD with those files), but thanks for clarifying so others don't make that mistake. Thanks for your help. This place is a great resource. It's been fun "learning" how to drive a car again.
  10. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    This thread contains TMA (too many acronyms)
  11. Redblue88

    Redblue88 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(theforce @ May 1 2006, 01:58 PM) [snapback]248032[/snapback]</div>
    People have a misconception that "fair use" and "not making a profit" mean the same thing. They don't. You could give away a million copies of a song for free and not profit on it, but it is not a "fair use" of the material. When you buy a CD, what you are buying is the physical CD itself, not its contents. You can resell or give away the physical media and whatever is on it. You may not copy or alter that material that is on the disk. You don't own it and you never bought it. The copyright owner owns that right and the copyright owner is free to place whatever restrictions on its redistribution it chooses. Adding spyware or otherwise altering your computer without your consent or by click-through consent is a different issue that has nothing to do with copyright. iTunes allows unlimited transfers to an iPod because it sells more iPods, not because they are required to. You're allowed to make backup copies of your software because people stopped buying non-backup allowed software, not because the law requires it. For something to be "fair use" it can't deprive the owner from profiting from her work. Allowing unlimited distribution of a song deprives the owner of the ability to make sales to other users. Ergo, not a fair use. Copyright law has been around since before the US was even a country. Got a beef with copyright protection? Blame the english. It was their idea.
  12. petteri

    petteri New Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Plantation, FL USA
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Redblue88 @ May 1 2006, 02:28 PM) [snapback]248059[/snapback]</div>
    That isn't quite true, you are buying the rights to listen to the music that is on the CD, otherwise they would just be selling you a blank CD!! Fair Use has been judged by the courts to INCLUDE copying for your OWN PERSONAL use. That means if I own a CD by a particular artist I can make AS MANY COPIES AS I WANT TO!!! Provided they are for my use only. Why shouldn't I be able to copy the music that I paid to listen to so I can listen to it in a manner that is the most approriate for me. I might want it on a cassette tape, a digital audio file or anything else, thats for me to decide. With DRM they are taking this choice away. They are saying you must purchase the music in this format and keep it in this format. Not only that, but you will only used the following APPROVED devices to listen to the music with. That is not Fair Use, plain and simple. If you don't mind some of your rights taken away, fine thats your choice. Personally I find DRM protected music abborant and have never purchased ANY music protected like that.

    Anyways, this thread is now OFF topic for this section of the forum...MODS can you move this over to the approiate section? Thanks!