Hi everybody, went out new car shopping to replace a '96 Honda del sol si (inherited from my mom and in the family since purchase)... I hate to admit it here but the Prius was 3rd on my short list after the Civic EX and the Corolla LE ECO - partly because of what I assumed was the cost. But the 3K rebate suddenly made it look like it could make sense, and I decided to take a test drive. I was sold instantly, and bought the Prius Two this morning. I must say I, and all members of my household are very impressed and very happy with our choice twelve hours later. I know it's not the latest and greatest with the next gen coming down the line, but buying a Prius for almost the same price as a Corolla just made a whole lot of sense to me.
Great choice. Very happy for you. Watch how many people look at your car while you drive, and then pretend that they weren't looking at you!
Here's hoping! On top of that I sold the del sol for $4500 and the guy who bought it as his son's first car felt like he scored... it'll be good for another 10 years and 100K miles if he takes half as good care of it as we did. We're all happy to have more than two seats.
Some people have all the luck, I'll tell you, my baby's not even two weeks old and I just got rear ended by an inattentive driver, and I mean she nailed me good, my brain box is still shook. She must have been doing like 35, it felt like a bomb went off. Two kids in the car too, thank God they seem to be ok. Damage assessment on Monday.
So sorry to hear this. I'm assuming when you said "baby" you were referring to your new Prius. Hope you and family are doing ok. Hard enough getting that first scratch but to be in an accident with such a new car. No after accident medical issues I hope. Take care and keep us posted!