please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post. Couldn't find an introduce yourself section. In 2006, I bought a new Prius, package 7, I think. Over the past nine years I put 112,000 miles on it and replaced two bumpers. It was still running great, I probably could have gotten another 100,000 miles out of it but I've been thinking about upgrading it and figured if I waited much longer I wouldn't get much for the trade. So on Saturday, a brand new 2015 Prius THREE came home with me. I like the updated design. Took a little getting used to the shifter being on the bridge and the start button where the shifter used to be. I like the updated dipslays, once I figured out where my average mpg was. Haven't played much with the Entune app. I did try out the navigation and the display seems smaller and harder to see, but my eyes are nine years older now, too! Looking forward to a trip to Toronto in two weeks. I go every other week and the new Prius seems to be a smoother ride just in my short trips around town. Oh, in case anyone wants to know. I got the sea glass pearl color.
Could be they did not exist back then. Been on here since I joined four years ago. Best of luck to you!
Great move! 3rd gen is a much better road car. We moved to our 2011 after nearly 150,000 mechanically uneventful miles on our 2005. MPG is a few higher as well, compared to the 2nd gen. After 4 years of ownership, and over 60,000 miles our 2011 runs and feels like new. A picture of the car and a location where you drive would increase the "Like" count!
Ha, in 06 Prius chat was in version one form, now it's morphed a wee bit. Enjoy the mpg's, for the next 100,000+
Welcome! I love my 2015 too. It's just an effortless drive. See my signature for some of the stuff I did to it already in the short two months I've had it haha! Mostly the upgrades are for fun stuff like audio and lights. Ride/handling wise I plan to keep it stock for now. That's what my other car is for..a 2002 BMW 3-Series with 160,000 absolutely rock solid reliable and silent miles. Be sure to post pics of your new car!