Yes all of them. The Volkswagen cheat scandal didn't surprise me one bit, since I concluded a year ago there is no such thing as a 100% honest car company. Anyone who think it does, well they are either gullible or don't read the news: VW: emissions cheating Honda: ditto in 1998 Ford: ditto in 2000 Hyundai: lied about MPG scores Toyota screwed customers with overheated/sludged engines (voided the warranties as early as 20,000 miles) I feel like Diogenes with his lamp, searching the world for an honest corporation. Like the Great Pumpkin..... it simply doesn't exist.
But when people are on the timeclock, they are merely cogs in the corporate machine. They do what the corporation tells them to do, and since a corporation is a thing that lacks a soul or morals, so too does its cogs (If any cog says something is immoral then he/she gets fired or punished or more likely: Deleted off the promotions list & career frozen).
but the corporation can't speak, so it doesn't tell anyone to do anything. it's just a legal entity, recognized by the government. people work for the stockholders of a corporation through a hierarchy. someone (a person) has to make a decision from time to time, for better or for worse. finding that someone, when it's for worse is often the most difficult part.
Agreed. One person at work has a bumper sticker that reads, "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas sends one to the electric chair." Then they're are the corporate fanbois. They are like the sports fan I heard talking about todays game who said, "We will win today!". I felt like asking him what position he played.