Seller is a Toyota dealer. There was a warranty repair not reported on carfax too. A bolt was replaced. Not worried about that but interesting this is reported on Toyota owner site but doesn't pull up on Carfax. I thought anything serviced and entered into dealer system showed up on carfax but I guess not. Some carfaxes I've looked at report wiper blades being replaced. If rear bumper was the body work/repair that's better than somewhere on the actual body of car but the fact that it's cracking....needless to say I didn't sleep well last night. It's just a car but my biggest purchase ever as you all know. I need to resolve this and make decision before salesman comes down with car for inspection. Wish this wasn't just now getting interesting. : / Thanks for listening!
Toyota collision dept just told me car had rear impact damage paid for by insurance but couldn't give me anymore details except there was actual body work done on tailgate, latch and new bumper cover replaced. I can't tell what I'm more upset about. Is it my gut or just fear telling me to back out of deal? Only I can decide but I promised myself to avoid a car that had any body work done. A replaced bumper doesn't bother me....well...if it's not cracked. Plus this info was available to dealer and they didn't reveal it when I asked before making the trip to see it. I specifically said I don't want to come see a car that has had body work done. I asked again while looking at it. I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they may not have dug into history but when a serious buyer asks they "should" do the research. Feedback greatly appreciated.
if they did the work, they should have the repair slip with parts replaced and labor detail. i had my '04 hatch replaced because i backed into an suv bumper. the hatch is aluminum, and cannot be repaired.
Hmm, it does give a funny feeling in the pit of your stomach. It seems that if they didn't tell you this, what else didn't they tell you? Like stolen car or repaired car, totalled car rebuilt, livery / taxi service. Yes that would be tne dark side of car sales. Sonve this has come to light, I would present it to the dealer. Use it as a wedge, this car has had repairs. Ask for lower price, dealer gives you a free warranty, you want the car but not sure with all these issues coming to light. They want to make a sale, nothing is set in stone until the tail lights go over the curb. You want peace of mind that the car you're investing in is not a big piece of junk. Do you have a buyers remorse law in Connecticut? Here in Indy you have three days to bring it back if you're not satisfied with your purchase. Sorry for all these words, it is what I perceive from your posts. JTM
It was another Toyota dealer that did the work. All they will tell me is impact damage. Body work done on tailgate (hatch not replaced), maybe replace latch and bumper cover replaced. So it could have been simply paint repair on hatch.
Horrible feeling in pit of my stomach! I would not have bought car at this price if I'd known it had work done. Trying to figure out what would make this deal ok. Friend says to pay the $100 to get it inspected and see what inspection dealer says about work that was done. Then what...asking them to go down in price which I doubt they will because they think they can sell it at full price especially with this info not showing anywhere obvious. I would want to negotiate lower price before wasting my money to get inspected but I guess I don't have that option. It's only coming with 60 day warranty.
I've looked there and that's how I found the collision shop info. The Toyota collision shop told me what they will tell me.
If the salesman will not work with you, get the used car manager then the general manager. All they really want is the sale. You have to prove to them that the car was not presented correctly. Did the car have a sign on it that said "sold as is". If it didn't, then the car was misrepresented to you, flawless and worth the 10k or more they are asking.
I just called the sales person. He's saying he used paint meter and did a visual walk around check with sales manager the day I asked about body work concern. I'm not assuming they hid it from me. They probably just didn't look beyond carfax. Most don't. He's calling office to get more info and getting back to me. I mentioned I negotiated price with the knowledge that car had no body work done. I guess I need to decide what I would be ok with. Obviously ideally I would want a bumper with no crack and a reduced sales price since their negotiating tool was car being so clean and carfax stating car was worth $1640 above retail value.
Right as rain. They only know wjat they have in it and what the margin is to sell it. As long as you agree and are serious about the purchase they will probably go your way. My daughter told the dealer what she could afford and they made the numbers work. They were with in a dollar of what she wanted.
Realistically they aren't going to replace bumper and reduce price. Of course this is all happening before getting mechanics checked out. Who knows they may call back and say they want to back out of deal. They could easily find someone who won't be so thorough.
I told them my budget was $9000 and we were trying to get them to go down to 9.5K. I'm so flustered with stress at this point. No idea what realistic offer would be assuming everything else checks out.
If you tell the dealer what you want they will work with you, usually. What the dealer has the people that will walk them all over the place and then don't buy anything and walk away. That's a total waste of time on both parties parts. Hang in there Daisy you will get your car. And I'll bet you get it at the price you want. If you're serious enough to get it checked out they will be serious enough to sell it to you. I'm pissed off. Sales person said he would get back to me after speaking with manager and before heading to my Toyota dealership for inspection. I just called and he's on the way already with no phone call. He said they want to see what comes up from inspection before discussing price any further. So I'm stuck paying $100 before knowing if they will go down. So I'm stuck getting inspection before knowing how much they will budge.
If they put it on a lift look at it. Get a technician to point out things you would not see. Surely they got somebody there. Now they're starting to play the games with you aren't they? Why do dealers do that?
Ok...heres the deal. I will spell it out quickly. Car was inspected and in "very good condition". Wish he hadn't said that in front of salesman. Except : fog lights are cracked and will eventually fall apart. Big cracks all the way across in 3 directions. It also needs a marker light which is supposedly a cheap fix. They looked at rear damage and no leaks, paint matched and considered a good job with everything lining up. Dealer said I should have them fix marker light and negotiate a deduction for replacing fog lights. In other words I don't mind the lights as they are and would rather pay less now and fix when they break. So...I still don't know how much to take off for "body work that was not revealed" and I'm calling to find out how much to replace fog lights in New port area because inspection guys said they would be more expensive in that location. Local price for 2 fog lights is $326 plus tax. Oh my!! Before I knew about fog lights I wanted car for 9.5K. Not sure how to present this. My negotiator friend isn't available.
You tell them 9000, new fog lights installed for you and you'll take care of the marker lamp. Or tell them 8500 and you drive it home today. You can find them at a recycling yard or on Amazon. I hate when dealers pull these gags. You're pre-approved, you know what you want and you're not trading in? You're golden, meaning anyone would love you as a customer. If they don't want to deal, go home. Don't worry, they'll call YOU! Prii are going to be harder to move now due to the fact that gasoline has dropped in price. They're ready to deal, you'll get it at the price you want. Tell them what it will take to earn your business. If I was there I would low ball them. Say you guys lied to me. $8500 is as high as I can go since you weren't up front with me. They think you're in love with it, to me it's just another piece of scrap iron. Ask them what will it take to make this happen today? They want you to haggle. Do not take their first offer, they have figured out you are serious. Take them to task, make them do the Turn Over for you. You'll know you got it right when they move you from the salesman to used car guy / manager or they send you to the general manager. Tell them you don't mind them making money but you hate for them to take you to the cleaners. Let's come to a good deal for both of us. I need a car you need money. I don't know why but every car dealer is about the same. They think you want to deal when all you want to do is buy a car.
I guess the other option is to have them replace fog lights and negotiate a small amount off for car not having "clean" carfax. Obviously them doing the fog lights is cheaper for them than me taking price off.