How about going with an Airline approach to labeling the various levels for the car? Prius First Class Elite - FCE Prius First Class - FC Prius Business Class - BC Prius Economy Class Plus - EC+ Prius Low Class/Economy Class - LC/EC Just kidding... however the ECO labeling could be confusing if one company is using it for economy and the other for ecology. Ford's EcoBoost stands for economy boost in regards to fuel consumption. What I could gather from google searches with no express definition is the ECO on the GMs mean Economy also but in relation to fuel consumption. SO, we'd have two companies who already use ECO to mean less fuel consumption and then if Toyota were to use it to mean a cheaper version of the car, this would cause some confusion for some people. Person goes car shopping and tries out various eco models from various companies. Ford and GM it means you'll use less fuel than the non-eco version. They get to Toyota nope, it means the cheapest Prius. IMO I think Toyota should not use it as a badge on the Prius. The Prius is already ECO. I think they should stay with the One, Two, Three, Four, and Five designations they already have and just leave it alone.
The way I see it ,they are comparing the previous Prius model to show off the progress they made on the new one . I don't believe they decreased fuel tank capacity to 38 Liters . Toyota said the new Model will have more Power,so if it's true,and I don't believe the numbers of the translation, to get more power by decreasing horsepower would mean having a turbo charged engine ! That really would be a bad thing because these turbo charged engines allways have trouble in time ! Who knows maybe Toyota published that manual to confuse us once again . They allready did it twice ! This new Prius must be something very special,otherwise they wouldn't make such a big secret of it ! Nobody was allowed to look under the hood,I wonder what they are hiding ? They weren't so closed up when the gen. 3 was revealed in Detroit 2009 !
Really? My 1988 Mazda MX-6 GT Turbo is still running like the day it was new, and I've never once had any work done on the turbo charger. It will still spin the tires in second gear, and get 37MPG combined in the summer.
Well then maybe you're on of the lucky guys ! I can't imagine Toyota giving us a turbo charged engine . It definitely would be a big mistake and would endanger Prius world wide known reliability!
I love the green of the Challengers and the Mustangs, but the Camaro color is by far my least favorite. Not sure what it is about that green, but I just don't like it.
It isn't easy being green. However, is it me or does that look like Wasabi Green to anyone else? Or maybe it's Kermit Green?
It's just green. It will appear different shades in different lighting. And a photograph of a print is probably the worst way to judge a color there is.
Yes, that heat reflection is really cool (pun intended). But up here in the "Great White North", heat retention is what we want. But I do like the colour. I wonder if they will charge more for it, like Pearl White?
Maybe the green colour will sell in Japan,but I a am pretty sure it won't sell very well in the US nor Germany .
100V 1500Watt AC, Japanese spec. It was first applied ( in non-plug-in-car ) to Toyota Estima Hybrid for Japan market, then became an option for Japan market Prius G3 ( HEV & PHEV ) since winter 2012/13, the same 100V 1500W FYI: トヨタ、「プリウス」に給電機能を追加、非常時の予備電源に | nikkei BPnet 〈日経BPネット〉:日経BPオールジャンルまとめ読みサイト
Would love to see an option such as this in the states, but sadly I can't imagine that option would ever be officially available here. The aftermarket kits from 3rd party vendors that others have come up with and posted about seem to work.
engine stuff does not seem to be correct... there is no need for them to take max battery output down (it means significantly less powerful battery)...