That makes more sense now, thanks for the clarification. Did they do this on their dime, or yours? Probably doesn't matter as they will figure the cost in one way or the other. Hope it all works out in your favor, still rooting for you.
When they wouldn't budge any further with negotiating OR add all weather mat package, I was hoping including 90K service would at least cover me for the next 5K. They really didn't need to do anything to car after trade-in except add windshield wiper blades. Car was serviced at their dealership most of it's life. They did take it in as a Touring model by mistake which may have cost them a little in profit. Car is still an "it'. I'll decide on a name once I've driven her a bit. : )
...there's good youtube on the plugs...well it'll take a little elbow grease but if you are so inclined
Thanks! Still in the works. My financing was pre approved. Now that they have a nice deposit they are taking their time with following up. Was hoping to have pre purchase inspection done by local dealer tomorrow but they didn't return my call after servicing today. Once I know for sure it's in good shape and they've registered it, I just have to pay the balance and drive it home! Hard to believe. Then I can retire this "agonizing" thread and start a new one "Bought Myself a Prius". : )
""flawless" and in show room condition" is marketing hyperbole unless the was restored. The rust on the wiper assembly and the crack in the rear bumper cover are annoying. The oil change interval was 5000 miles. Since my Intrigue's OCI was 7500 miles and the Prius engine didn't run all the time I thought Toyota was being very conservative. My OCI was 10000 miles. The buying process always takes longer than it should.
I agree that OCI @ 5k is perfect with the Prius. The TCHybrid and the Corolla we have now have OCI @ 10k with Synthetic Oil. Does not seem to bother a thing. I would like to know how does the engine wear-in if you start with synthetic oil. My guess is that the engines are worn-in at the factory. They told us that the first 1000 miles is what counts. I have had synthetic oil in mine since 15000 miles. I does not burn oil, I do have a very minor valve cover leak (I can fix it, I am just not motivated; three back surgeries on my L3 L4 and L5 hurts still to this day 5 years later). So to Daisy, here's hoping you get your Prius. You have done your research and it will pay off.
Thank you for validation! : ) I don't mind it taking longer than expected but they aren't updating me which is annoying. I'm not going have loan processed until I have independent inspection done and know everything is ok. I just looked at neighbors' cars (Prius Gen ll). The other area that I thought was rust speckled is actually the black strip right under wipers that spans the entire windshield area. My neighbors' cars have plastic material there so maybe I was just seeing some debris that wasn't cleaned off. That would be nice. I need to let cracked bumper cover go. It's driving me nuts! : )
Daisy, does your neighbor's car sit near a railroad track at any time? Steel dust from the rail cars wheels against the steel track will fly everywhere. If it lays on the paint, it can "melt" its way into the paint. Melt may not be the best word here, but cars built in the last twenty years have water-based paint to avoid VOC's. That is volatile organic compounds. That paint is softer than the old paint that used to be on cars. The steel chips created by the rail wheels can cause some god awful problems.
Daisy, If you have a digital camera take a picture of the "specks" on the wiper arms. I do recall the Gen II we had did something similar. If I saw your picture I could verify if it is the same thing. If it is what I think it is, the term would be wear caused by the paint being sand blasted away over time from going down the highway... Also make sure you are happy BEFORE you sign on the dotted line. In most cases you have three days after the deal is done before you are stuck with it. But it is a lot easier to back out before you sign than after. Hoping for the best
There are a lot of vehicles with damage to the left corner of the rear bumper cover. Maybe some reflective tape or painters tape applied in a decorative pattern across the bumper would help. If not, look for a used silver bumper cover in the salvage yards. As JTM said, iron powder is a bugger (not the first adjective that comes to mind) to remove and it gets on everything. That stuff "bonds" with paint and if left alone for any period of time the car will need to be compounded to get it off. The asphalt on the road by the sponge iron plant in town is rusting. The dealer will work on their own schedule but it won't take more than a week. You may be able to speed things up a bit by being a bit of an annoyance.
The car with the debris on plastic strip is the car I'm buying. I'll check it out when I see it tomorrow. The neighbors' cars have some rust on blades but everything else looks normal. Maybe a little fading on black plastic along plastic strip under wiper area but that's it. I will most likely be by myself tomorrow when I get the news about inspection. I will have to rely on local service dept's opinion. I need a hotline!! : ) If there is any doubt or something that needs fixing, I should wait until it's fixed before signing paperwork right? Is there anything that could be uncovered that would be a deal breaker? Meaning an issue these cars could have that when fixed is an ongoing problem? I know there are no guarantees. Just want to be aware of anything major that could be avoided. Thanks!
Yep....I've become annoying. I signed the initial purchase contract with deposit on Monday. OMG I could never use tape on the bumper. Just the thought of needing to do that makes me crazy. Maybe when it has 200K miles on it. I'll point it out to local service guy to see what they think. When I mentioned it, he said he thought bumper could be removed and adhesive applied and pressed together so it didn't show. Can't imagine what they would charge for that. It's not glaringly noticeable but tape would be. : }
Hi Daisy, What ever you do, make sure you leave with two "working key fobs". Don't settle for one, and make sure you have the metal emergency key too that fits the driver's door. Both fobs should have that metal key. The fobs will have a silver logo on the back side and the car will have the smart key system. With all that said, make sure both fobs work with the smart key system. Don't let them talk down to you on this. The fobs are expensive and are also expensive to program. To me that would be the "deal breaker". After re reading post #209 I now understand what you were referring to around the wipers. Best of luck to you.
I can't think of anything that once fixed could be an ongoing problem. I want to see the problem corrected to my satisfaction, none of this we'll make it right (eventually). The only time they have a real incentive to make you happy is before they have your money. Get a friend & some clips and drop the bumper cover yourself or see if you can get the body shop class at the local vo-tech school to do it. My guess is that a shop is going to charge $100-$200.
Hi Daisy, Here is something you might be interested in. There is a site called "True Delta" which is set up for folks to register and report problems with their vehicles If you go over there and register, you can then search various vehicles and read everything that has been reported there. Sort of like Consumer Reports. Here's the link TrueDelta -- Real Car Owners Driving Real Car Information On the 09 Prius I see where 61 repairs were reported and a total of 28 repair trips. The repairs were pretty much the normal stuff that you see here on Prius Chat. The most expensive repairs that were reported were in the range of $500 -$999 of which 21% of all repairs reported consisted of. Any other repairs were in lower priced categories. If you go on and register, you will know more about what to look for on the Prius you are getting into. You can also register that Prius on the Toyota Owner's Website and find out about any repairs or work done by any dealer from day one. It won't show work done by independents or previous owners doing their own work, but will show all work done by any authorized Toyota dealer. You will need the VIN to register on Toyota's owner website. Toyota Owners Official Web Site You asked about deal breakers, that is the best info I can give you right now. Best of luck to you!
Oh boy! Thank you for this link. I entered my info and vin # and this car has had body work/paint job when they told me it didn't. They said they checked with paint meter also. Obviously it may have been just a slight dent in bumper. Maybe that's why bumper is cracking. Interesting that it was reported on Toyota service but not on CARFAX. I will call Toyota dealership that did repair tomorrow morning and hopefully get details. I finally arranged for $100 inspection tomorrow. I know some body work isn't bad but it makes me cringe and especially since they didn't tell me. Now it's truly shifted to a cliff hanger... How do you feel about body work having been done? I had an awful experience with my one and only, purchased new Jetta. I have to say it didn't sit well with me when they were so concerned about me having it checked by a Toyota dealership. I really owe you guys and gals for putting up with all of this. Hopefully I can give back a little once I know more. I promise to quietly read my Prius manuals and give you a break once this is all over with!
Like I told one of my other friends here on Prius Chat. With much knowledge sometimes comes much grief. Body work may be good or may be bad. It really depends on what they did and where. Even the 09 we had was worked on, and no one told us either. I found out the Toyota Owner's website like you did. With that I say "Attagirl"! Please tell me you are dealing with a Toyota dealer and not someone else like Ford or whatever... I ask this because of what you wrote above about having it checked out by a Toyota dealer. Oh the carfax thing. More than likely the owner did not report it when they traded it in. That is probably why the body work did not show up on the carfax. Or at least that would be my understanding. Hang in there, it is just now getting interesting
Oh and the manual for the 2009 Prius. Unless you are a speed reader plan on several sessions to get through all of it, plus trips out to the car to play with it as you learn. Yours is top of the line, so lots of stuff to learn about. If you want to get a jump start on it, you can download it here for free. 2009 Toyota Prius Owner's Manual - Have fun!