Help! Overwhelmed by lack of detailed performance on various "new"auto scan tools. have a DIY auto maintenance and professional industrial electrician background. Anything new out there for less than $500 that will allow interactive activation maint? Such as activating brake system components for brake bleed, etc
Id like to know the same. I read somewhere that one of the Snap On scan tools works and I saw a youtube video with a G-scan-2 but couldn't find that anywhere. The Snap Ons are over 2 and 3 thousand though. I saw a Toyota Intelligence Tester for $400 which seems to test everything the Prius car could want to say about maintenance, but I'm not sure if it is able to activate ABS pump for brake bleed procedures.
by far the best (cheap) tool for DIY is MiniVCI. It's a Chinese clone of the Mongoose cable and they include a cracked version of Techstream, the same software the dealers use. While not exactly ethical to buy and use, plenty of Toyota owners use it and Toyota corp doesn't seem to want to stop it from being available. (it also works on any Toyota/Lexus/Scion vehicle). Available Ebay/Amazon for $20-60 depending on version. Easiest is to use an old XP laptop if you have one lying around.