Wow, when I upgraded from 7 to 8, the Prius would no longer play podcasts but music played fine. Thanks for the heads up, looks like I'll avoid 8.4. Playing through BT is not a solution as searching songs on your phone while driving is illegal.
But you can use Siri to search for songs. If you activate Siri, the car treats it like a phone call so you talk to the car's microphone. It's like a poor man's CarPlay.
Np! Just wait a mississippi first before saying the command cause the car has to recognise it (you may be able to hear the double beep from the iPhone through the car's speaker but I found it's not always the case so I just mentally make a note to wait a bit)
I guess I'm not alone. I was wondering why my iPhone suddenly stopped working with my Plug-in Prius 2012. Then I realized it must be the iOS 8.4 update. I've noticed: It will play over Bluetooth, but it can't search anything via Bluetooth. This is a major downer. It will search and play via USB, but it's more glitchy than it used to be. This is also a downer. At least Bluetooth phone calls still work though. Does Toyota give updates for this in Canada? We don't have Entune up here.
I think this has to do with the wonky implementation in iOS 8.4 as a result of Apple Music. As mentioned, I also have significant problems with playing songs over the USB connection. For example, I have a Playlist which is "Purchased". However, if I select any song from that, only one song ever plays. Why? Because the only song on my iPhone 5s that is in the Playlist is that song. All the other songs are in the cloud, and therefore can't be played. I got around this by signing out of the cloud. P.S. I haven't tried it yet, but I hear CarPlay kinda sucks.
Sure, but it's still lost functionality. Furthermore, it can't be used in certain situations. For example, I play quiet lullabys when I want my kid to sleep or is sleeping. I would search via Bluetooth to find the songs. That is no longer possible. Siri is not a good substitute because it might wake my kid up. Luckily, I can still find them via USB though.
I have a 6+ with 8.4.1. I have the Hearts of Space streaming ambient music app loaded. Not sure which audio head I have but I know it is not the top of the line. Has nav and apps, BT and CD. I have latest iTunes and today music from iTunes was playing simultaneously with streaming music off of Hearts of Space. Two songs coming out of the speakers at the same time. I try to turn off iTunes but it comes back on over HoS as soon as I turn the volume knob. I am not making this up. I am too damn old to fix this and I am about to bud up the 6+ and screw the Entune head. Do the dealers have a techie who can sort this out? Or, is there a way to call some sort of Toyota tech support? Thank you.
I have a lot of Play Lists. I can still look through those. I was wondering why I can't search all my music any longer.
I was having similar problems with my iPhone 5. It works, but not like in the manual. I guess if I had an iPhone 4 it would of worked just fine. I don't suppose Toyota will come out with an softwear update...?
If I were Toyota, I wouldn't. There is more incentive to put R&D $ into future vehicles and technology. Constant Entune updates along with customer support training to support a fruit company that changes their OS yearly and reorganizes things on a whim is challenging. Toyota just came out with a major update to Entune to get rid of Bing search and add slacker radio. They did nothing to update iTunes support.
I posted a similar thread about this. I upgraded to iOS 9. NO help. The only way to make it work is to reboot your car. So turn on your car let the audio fire up. Then shut it off and turn it back on and it will work like it did with iOS 7.
I'm going to give my wife's old iPhone 5 to her mother. I'll get the iPhone 4 back from her and use that as an iPod. Hopefully that will work well, as it's still on iOS 7.