Well it was sort of impulsive but we went ahead and bought the new 2015 v5 in the green (without the JBL package) instead of replacing the cat in the 08. I think the new car smell got to us and weakened our resolve to "just look and see what was on the lot". So glad this site is here for future questions.
Dalenel - Welcome new v owner. You will love the more comfortable and spacious cockpit, and expanded cargo-hauling volume. Consider updating your "Vehicle: & Model:" information to reflect your new Pv5 owner-driver status.
If, like me, you chose a v primarily for cargo, buy a generic cargo mat on ebay (or wherever) and put it on the seat backs backwards. Less stuff will fall in the gap
Great idea. We've been using an old sheet to keep the dog from messing it up. He's a big old guy who loves to dig up the yard. I'll check out the accessory forums! wjtracy Look but don't sniff the new car smell and you should be fine.