I tried everywhere I could find today to turn on grid lines for the backup camera. I couldn't find them anywhere. I can't find anything in the owner's manual I downloaded either. Anyone know the secret to getting grid lines to make backing up that much better?
Maybe there aren't any. The 2010 only has two hash marks at the edges of the bumper. There are targets when using IPA.
I could swear I read somewhere about turning on grid lines but can't find it now. I'll keep looking and hopefully someone that knows how will chime in.
I am pretty sure that the Non-JBL head unit in the 2-4 line up does not include lines on the BUC display. Our new 2015 P4 does not (non-JBL head unit but 8 Jbl speakers). I will check our books again and post back.
It doesn't have it. If u've seen it then is was from an aftermarket camera. The 2010-2011 level 5 with self assist park had it.....other than that it doesn't exist VS980 4G ?
Correction, lines only accessible in the hidden service menu. Still no way to turn them on during normal use. The lines are only for calibrating the auto parking.