There are many things I REALLY like about this car and some I'm less enthused about. The latest nit is that the window lock switch also disables the window controls on my door. I'd prefer it left mine functional. The point of it is to lock others out of window operation, not me. I also wish it had the 3 blink feature for the turn signals that Ford/Mazda and perhaps others have. Also, if the fob is smart enough that when I walk up to the car it knows to unlock the door for me why can't it be smart enough to know to lock the doors when I walk away? I believe Toyota needs to have a focus group with owners, making sure to include me, to take their cars to the top level.
your doors should not unlock when you walk up to the car. you should have to grab the door handle. you might want to have that looked at. hycam has the 3 blink feature, so it's probably available on different models. i never blink to use it. i've never used the window lock switch, so i'll take your word for it. shouldn't you have posted this in the 'what i hate about my prius' forum?
Yes, I hear a beep as I'm reaching for the handle and the door opens when I pull it. One time it didn't until the second pull. I may not be saying it quite correctly. The main point is I don't have to push a button on the fob, the car just knows to unlock for me in recognition of the fob. I'd like it to work in reverse as I walk away. My Mazda3 had that feature and it was very nice. With it I had to push a button in the door handle first, then it would immediately unlock and open. I like the Prius better, just pull the handle and open the door the same as if I didn't lock it.
We've had ours close to 5 years, and I'd never noticed that. So you can roll the drivers window up/down, but the others windows are locked, at all doors.
With the window lock-out activated, sitting in the drivers seat, I can still roll down my window, but none of the others. It's not like I knew this tho, had to out and check just now, lol.
Yes, I know about the pinch to lock but if I have to remember to pinch I might as well push the fob button. I'd like it to be fully automatic. Walk up to the car with the fob and it will allow unlocking and opening without pushing any buttons or doing anything but pulling the door handle, just like it does. Walk away with the fob and the car says to itself Oh, (s)he left with the fob so I'm locking all the doors. I've got to experiment more with the windows to be certain but so far the button cuts off all but the driver's window to everyone, including me. When I parked and wanted to open all the windows a bit I couldn't but when I released the window lock then my switches worked again and I could open the other windows.
Yes, my window works no matter what. It's the rest that won't work even for me. I want all windows to work for me all the time and the lockout to only affect the other 3 doors.
idk, touch it to unlock, touch it to lock, i don't want mine locked all the time, so, if it were programmable, that would be okay. they already have something thing that locks it automatically when you unlock it with the fob, if you don't open a door within so many seconds, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Yeah, I've only got something like 543 miles remaining until empty and I average around 150 miles per week. Next week will be a little more as I'm going across town for lunch with family which is about 90 miles round trip. If I go next year to some out of town events I keep threatening to go to it will add a few more fills. Two in KY and one in MO. Without any trips I anticipate buying fuel about 3 times every 4 months.
I lock my door on the inside, before I get out. It is cooler inside, and I get to see the red disappear. I confess that in three years I have never been tempted to lock my windows, perhaps because my child is 30.
No offense, but I too think post's like this belong in a different part of the forum. Here's the link if you are interested. What I hate about the Prius | PriusChat
OK, the person with the fob just left. What about the other passengers without fobs? Will it lock while they are still inside? If they manually unlock to leave, will it again auto-relock after they depart?
The door locks are not automatic. But if you just tap at the front of the door handle, it'll lock. IMO, much better than pushing a button on the door handle to lock or unlock the doors. For the turn signal problem, go here: orderTAP.html I have it installed and I love it.
Think through the implications! That would gain you a trivial convenience in some circumstances, but cost much inconvenience in other circumstances, besides causing a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on the lock mechanism. I don't see how touching the handle to lock is so much more difficult than touching it to unlock. There are plenty of more significant nits to pick.
I'd be concerned about someone sitting in the back having a medical issue and not being able to reach the front lock. I wouldn't mind if auto-locking were an option, but I don't much care for some automatic features even though there are plenty of times I wish I had them. Then too, the initial premise is somewhat inaccurate. The system doesn't unlock the door. It simply senses that the fob is close enough and "allows" the door to be unlocked. The door is not unlocked until you physically stick your hand in the door handle or pull the hatch door handle. The reverse action is to touch the door handle to lock it and it stays locked after the fob is far enough away. In both cases, it takes a positive action on the part of the operator.