So i have finally relized that i can never get anything to suction to the front windwhield, around the rear view mirror. Why?? well because of the black dots which takes up a huge part of the front windshield that are in the only places where things like my gps or dash cam would hang, So because of this, i am looking for ideas on how to be able to use the suction cups on these areas still. I bought a dash cam and there is just not a good spot outside of the area to put it without it really being fully in my field of view. Really bummed about this rt now. I thought about trying to put some tape or a sticker so it would be a flat surface....havent tried yet though i would like to hear from you all first.
Put some silicone sealant on the suction cup(s). Should work. When no longer needed, it should just peel right off of the windshield and suction cup. Or don't mount it on the black dots.
What about installing some light/clear tint in said area. That should promote a better adhesion platform.
it is possible, I used phone mount from iottie. They will stick to amost anything. I even stick it onto the plastic dash, and that's without those stupid disc that needs to be tape on. check it out.
Havent had a chance yet but i will try it, after i try putting a window sticker and trying to stick it to that, probably this weekend
like I said these phone mount will stick to almost anything. I have a bigger version for my Note 3 in my 08 Highlander. Sticks to the fake leather texture dash with no problem. Not sure if they have a mount for your gps or if their phone mounts works with your gps.
I had the reggulad suction cup for the gps then also tried the bean bag type thing but the gps was huge and the dash bord didnt have a big enough flat space for it to work out so i just use the cubbies in the dash board for it. i have 2 thins to try out befor i go out and buy the cell phone mount but will keep it in mind....i may just return the cam and get a different one if it fits better
Gripeez (those lame things from as soon on tv) worked pretty well for me. I used them to get my ultraguage, and dash cam to stick onto those annoying paint dots in the top middle of the windshield. You can't really see them in the following pic, but you get the idea with the things stuck to the windshield where it would normally not be able to. The Gripeez things can be had at their site Gripeez | Hang Any Object, Anywhere In Seconds!, or on ebay as well. Warning, the website is cheesy as hell.
well i returned the cam becuase the cord was also not long enough to hide in the car but i think i may still check these things out as well, if you think it works well.
A friend of mine that has a priusc4, has a dash mounted GPS , and was pulled over by our city police and was given a two hundred dollar fine for touching his GPS while driving and lost two demerits as well. He tried fighting it but lost. If its not factory installed equipment when buying the car ,then it's considered a distraction.or at least that's the case here in Manitoba.
In California, you can have something attaching to the windshield on the bottom drivers side corner 5in², or on the passenger side corner 7in². If it is a dash camera you can have that on top center. I forgot the spacing allowed. I'm sure the specific regulation can be found on the DMV website. In terms of playing with your GPS or phone, I know you can't do that while the car is in motion. As a different side thing, I make a habit of using voice recognition whenever I can. In Apple's case, using siri.