Has anyone tried disassembling the headlight modules on the C and blacking out some of the chrome? I've tried unsuccessfuly to find something on headlight blackout in PriusChat, but there doesn't seem to be any search function on this site, and it is taking forever.
Use Google search with priuschat.com as one of the search parameters. Several threads in the Gen 3 forum. Here's one: DIY HEADLIGHT REMOVAL AND HEADLIGHT BLACKOUT GUIDE AKA Baked Headlight | PriusChat
And another: DIY: How to black-out the headlights on a 2010+ Prius | Balancing Act Similar for the c I'd imagine.
Thanks. Already looked at those. I was hoping for something 'C' specific. Would probably work Ok. Just paranoid of destroying my car!
Very nice. Only thing I'd do different is leave a chrome ring area around each light. Love the LED rings- where'd you get them? My biggest question, however, is how do you remove the headlights? I tried, but the front facia fastener (around the wheel well) threw me- couldn't figure that one out, and did not want to wreck it.
Do you have to remove the front bumper to get to the lights? If so its worst looking into. If I do go with painting my front lights also, I'd be interested in what ring lights I'd need to do the angel eyes as well so I can do everything in one shot.
not really u have to remove yhe screw from the grill and the side of the bumper next to the fender and that it and wheb all the screw is all off theb pull the bumper from the middle down so u coukd unscrew the light but the scree under the bumper stay on