Enzo will need a fill today and is was pondering a tank of clean gas to see if there is a MPG difference. I know it won't make up for the added fuel cost but I like research!
Been discussed several times here on this board. You might get better MPG, but the cost of the pure gas probably won't offset the MPG difference. YMMV. For more info, google "pure gas" with out the quotation marks. Best of luck to you.
Basically yes, it helps gas mileage but as you mentioned the benefit is negated by extra cost. Here are just a few threads on the subject for perusing in your time: Real Gasoline, not Ethanol | PriusChat Pacific Pride Gas - Ethanol Free | PriusChat Ethanol Free | PriusChat Fuel Type - Ethanol's effect on MPG | PriusChat Generally searching on Priuschat is best done by using google with the keyword Priuschat and then other keywords on what you are searching for.
That's fine, but if it leads to your thread(s) getting merged into an already ongoing topic that you didn't search for, you'll know why.
In theory 3% better energy content/MPG with E0, but keep in mind gaso itself can vary in energy content. So you may see nothing or you may see more than expected, due to lots of variables.
I decide against as the only ethanol free available gas was Preumum and the engine is designed to run at a lower octaine. Thanks for the tip and links
Some personal datapoints comparing E10 87 octane with ethanol free premium 91 octane: '03 Honda Accord v4 - 33 to 36MPG. '07 Chevy Silverado 5.4L - 17 to 19MPG. '14 Subaru Forester - 30 to 33MPG. '07 Prius - ~45 to 50MPG. Granted it is a combined effect including octane. So roughly 10%, about equal to the difference in price where I buy. But it feels better to get the mileage and the power is better.
Ooh Premium E0...I can only dream of that as we are RFG zone that is basically banned. There is no guarantee but that could be like the Idaho 2nd Gen said above, possibly 3% ethanol + 7% (possible not guaranteed) more energy in the Premium...yes figure 10% is the most MPG benefit you might see. That's worth 20 cents/gal extra...but I don't think you're gonna see that working out. OK congrats you are the first Idaho poster I've seen here since Idaho became the only state to tax hybrids $75/year extra. What can we do to help you fight this? What I did in Virginia was talk to the dealers to find a contact in the VA Auto Dealers Assoc and go at it that way. Other things were done.
Pure gas has made a big difference in my mpgs. If i can getit i prefer it. Also withe pure gas you have less of a chance of getting water in the gas due to ethanol attracting it.
The inverse is also true....people think they are saving money by using E10/E15, but the truth is that ethanol burns poorly, and you basically lose the "savings" in lower MPGs.
I don’t think anything I have years of MPG data and e15 in my particular car does save money as the car demands premium but ends up with the same knock values on Kwik Trip 88 as it does on Premium 91 and my fuel economy is better than e10 87. Last fill I paid $1.99 a gallon for 88 and normal 87 was still $2.27 a gallon the price difference alone really does negate any other “savings “ all by itself
Yes, the worthless "ethanol in gasoline industry" lobbies Congress to subsidize ethanol & penalize ethanol-free (E0) production, so E0 is more expensive than E10, E15, & E85. Big Oil doesn't complain about ethanol in gasoline, because Big Oil knows that more oil is used to produce ethanol, blend it into gasoline & support the worthless "ethanol in gasoline industry", than ethanol can ever save.
Hit the nail right on the head. People typically think politics has nothing to do with ethanol but it the driving force to have more ethanol in gas. "Corn states" will vote for a politician if the politician can force corn / ethanol to blend with gasoline thus driving corn prices up to maximize corn profit because corn scarcity goes up due to human, animal and now gasoline consumption.