Smart key Info

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by ovni, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. ovni

    ovni Member

    Aug 1, 2005
    Sugar Land, TX
    2006 Prius
    When you go on eBay/online key store to purchase a key, you have the following options...

    NEW - Sold by online Toyota dealers and some key sellers with very high reputation!!

    "New" - Looks new so it must be...This is an idiot seller trying to steal from you. Most likely key was already programmed to another vehicle.

    Re-manufactured - Someone adds a new uncut key blade and new battery and jacks up price for a used item.

    Virgin key - This is a used key that has had the memory flashed. Will work the same as a NEW key.

    Used - Previously programmed to another vehicle

    1) Pretty much any locksmith and ALL Toyota dealerships can program NEW/Virgin key.

    2) Used, most dealers will not touch and only a few locksmith know the proper way of programming them, or do not have the right equipment to do it. Requires the smart key ECU to be erased and then reprogrammed with your original key and the used key you purchased.

    **If your Smart key ECU detects any error, you will not be able to add any keys after erasure**
    You will be stuck with a car with no keys. Have only seen this once and it was a salvage title car that had front door replaced from a crash.

    Battery used is CR1632
    FCC# HYQ14AAB("E" Board) **EXTREMELY RARE!!!!* Have seen two Prius use this.

    The key with an A/C button is for some plug-ins and the models with solar roof.
    You can add an A/C button key to a car thats not plug-in or solar. Button will not do anything.

    Many places will NOT program a key bought somewhere else whether its new, virgin, used, etc...
    Why is that you ask...
    Simple...They lose money not selling you the key themselves.

    Emergency Key
    "Laser Cut Keys" - No such thing. It's a term started by dealers in order to charge more money. Make it seem like they are using a special machine to cut it. The proper term is Sidewinder cut or High security cut.
    Several sellers on eBay offer cutting services if you have your key code.

    This is how you get your key code. All Toyota/Lexus/Scion Smart equipped vehicles use the same step in video.
    The tip of the screw driver is TORX??. Don't recall number, a flat hand that fit in grooves should also work

    All Prius 2010 to 2015 key code starts with 4

    So your code should be 4####

    If you bought car new, you should have your code on a metal tag.
    If you don't want to hassle taking lock out. Go to your Toyota dealer with your ID/Registration(must match) and they will give you code for free.

    Time to complete work(with emergency key cut)
    - Used Key, About 20 minutes total to set up equipment, cut and program key
    - New/Virgin Key, About 5 minutes total to set up equipment, cut and program key

    Time to complete work(without emergency key cut)
    - Used Key, About 20 minutes total to set up equipment and program key
    - New/Virgin Key, About 2 minutes total to set up equipment and program key

    Question I get the most... COST?
    Price vary a lot....

    Dealers...If your buying key and programming from them, call around. Each dealer has a different price. Specify that You want a TOTAL OTD price for Smart key, programming, emergency key and cut. Always get the name of the person you talk to. Some places will quote you the price of the key alone. You drive there and then are thrown in cutting and programming fee.
    If you want to bring your own key, NEW, virgin or used...let dealer know...most will clearly tell you they wont do it over the phone. If they say they will only take a New key, your safe to bring a NEW or virgin key.

    Locksmith...If your buying key and programming from them, call around. Each locksmith has a different price. Specify that You want a TOTAL OTD price for Smart key, programming, emergency key and cut. Always get the name of the person you talk to.
    If you are bringing your own key, specify to locksmith whether its NEW/Virgin or Used. This makes a big difference in time and "should" make a difference with price.

    Bootleg software... I've heard of people buying boot leg cables/software and doing it themselves. Ive heard of people paying their buddy with beer for a key... I don't use that illegal software on my customers cars as I don't want to take a risk. Haven't heard any negative stories...but don't want to be the first.

    **Have programmed over 300 Toyota/Lexus smart key vehicles**
    #1 ovni, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
  2. Surfwashington

    Surfwashington New Member

    Aug 25, 2015
    2010 Prius
    I just had a 100% successful reprogram of Ovni's key with a mini vci cable and techstream software.


    Thanks again!
  3. ovni

    ovni Member

    Aug 1, 2005
    Sugar Land, TX
    2006 Prius
    If your key says HYQ14AAB, please post year and trim. Im trying to update post with exact info.
  4. wfodys

    wfodys Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2016
    2015 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Hey ovni, I have a 2015 PiP that came with one complete key/fob, and the second set just has the metal stick key part, but not the fob. The existing fob is HYQ14ACX. I am looking to purchase a new fob, and ones I have seen on eBay state they won't work for my vehicle, although the FCC# is the same. Do you think I should be able to use it?