***I have gotten my Prius to do almost 80mph going down some parts of the mountains in VERMONT by driving with my foot OFF the gas pedal, the speed slow down towards the bottom as the mountain leveled out, so I did not need to use the brakes!!! 80mph going down the mountain & using no gasoline =Talk about great gas mileage & not a bad RUSH either...lol *...I'm not recommending you try this, is not safe and you may get a speeding ticket
Pretty much every modern car can and will do the same thing due to fuel injector shut off technology. Now since they don't have regen capability, they would have most likely been going MUCH faster than you (out of control!).
A highly modified, 1,000 hp Viper can do that as well. My BMW always indicates 99.9 mpg down hill with foot off the gas. Or heck you don't even need to be going downhill. Just any time you arent touching the gas pedal.. unless at idle since the engine requires fuel to keep it running. When going down hill or coasting, you are literally using no gas. The engine is just mechanically spinning. (in a conventional car)
This section of the mountain is straight down [like a roller coaster] then it levels out to where you slow down, as long as there are no other cars in front of you, there is no need to apply the brakes~. The secret is to make sure there are no other cars in front of you, because they want to apply the brakes and will not let you get up to 80mph...
I'm sure that I'm not the only reader who might be curious about (1) the number of years you have been driving? (2) how long you've had your Prius? (3) Do you remember anything about the "Statistics Module" you did in 1st year Mathematics back in your time at college? (oh, sorry - you missed that one? Oh well! …that might explain it!