Hi all, I sure hope someone can help me out with this. The buttons to change the temperature in my 2010 Prius don't do a thing... The temperature is cool-ish as long as you have the AC turned on, and stays the exact same as you increase the temperature until you get to 85 and it maxes out, then it starts to get warm. As soon as you go to 84, it's cool again. I called Toyota and they had no idea what was going on but I'm sure it'll cost a ton to diagnose. Anyone have experience with this before?
Would those be the console buttons, the steering wheel buttons, or both? (No, I have no experience with this issue.)
Both. Changing the temperature does not change the temperature. The number changes, but the actual air coming out the vents does not change at all.
What happens when you lower setpoint all the way down to LO? What does your fan speed do if you have everything in automatic?
The fan speed continues to run on full blast because the temperature does not go low enough to cool the car down properly. Only slows down once I turn it up to about 72.
It's not, the temperature of the air does not change. It is either cool or hot. Set at 84 it's cool, set at 85 it's hot.
it's a variable speed compressor. i don't know, but it sounds like the edu or the compressor itself, the switch and interface seem fine.
The air still blows cold when it's 90+ outside, so the compressor seems fine. So maybe the EDU? What is that?
ECU?? Which I'd guess is Electronic Control Unit. Man: misspelled acronyms can bring a discussion to a stop. Well, unless no one fesses up they don't know what it is.
Yeah I have heard of an ECU, but not an EDU. Either way, any other thoughts as to what it could be? I don't know of any relays or fuses it could be.
On a warm day, if you leave it on AUTO and 84 degrees for a while until things stabilize, then lower the temperature setting by 10 degrees or so, does anything change? It's normal to have some cooling at 84 or 85 degrees, but no cooling (heating, in fact, bizarrely!) if you try to set a higher temperature, even if the inside temperature is well above 85.
No, there is no change. Basically my car has two settings right now - cold and hot. Nothing in between. I am trying to figure out why there is no variance in temperature. The numbers change, but it's not doing anything.
sorry, ecu, missed the spellcheck. i'm just thinking the button goes to the electronic control unit, which then tells the compressor what speed to run at. yes, you are getting some cold air, so the compressor is working, but possibly not changing speeds. you're probably going to need a tech stream diagnosis.
Two tests: 1. If you turn the temperature all the way down (MAX LO, I think?), do you get cold air? 2. If you turn the temperature all the way up (MAX HOT, I believe), do you get heated air? If the answer to both of those is yes, I would expect that your system is behaving normally. The temperature setting is a target for the cabin, not the temperature of the air that is being blown. It is meant to be run in full Auto mode most of the time, and you should set the temperature to whatever makes you comfortable. The car will adjust the amount of cooling and use an appropriate fan speed to get the cabin to that temperature as quickly as possible. My guess is that you had the fan speed set to manual, and the cabin temperature was something around 85 (or hotter, if you had to go all the way to MAX HOT to get the air to warm up). As long as the set temperature is lower than the cabin temperature, it will blow cold air to try and get it to your set temperature. Once you max the temperature out, it will blow hot air. Adjusting the temperature to anything lower than MAX HOT will have a negligible effect on the temperature coming out of the vents as long as the cabin is hotter than the set point. If the set point is close to the current temperature, it will reduce the fan speed and the power to the A/C compressor, though. That's my guess, anyway. If you've owned your car for a while and you've noticed a definite change in its behavior, then I'm probably wrong. But my guess is that you're perhaps new-ish to the Prius climate control system?
I’ve got a similar issue. My ac is either full cold or hot. The fan speed used to change automatically as I changed the temp but it does not change anymore. Is there a setting to reset?
That can come in two forms: You get cold when you set the temp all the way down to LO (below 65), but for any other setting you get hot. You get hot when you set the temp all the way up to HI (above 85), but for any other setting you get cold. Which one ya got?