+1 hadn't read your location. Yep I don't think you can do much better on low carbon than live in quebec with lots of hydro and some wind with a leaf and electric motorcycle like you have. Quebec is also home to Linde's green hydrogen plant. Unfortunately that is far from vancouver where they were trucking the stuff to run fuel cell buses. They just decided to decommission those busses because fuel and maintenance was so much higher than diesel. Still quebec like texas is one of those places where renewable hydrogen would have a very low cost to manufacture. The stations and the cars though are a bigger problem. I'm in Texas and the ERCOT grid is physically isolated from canada, but the northeast and new york where you sell the hydro power is a good deal for both sides. Those states as a block have the highest cost of electricity other than Hawaii, and renewables are not as affordable as they are here. IIRC the utility makes a nice profit on the electricity it exports then it quebec uses some of that money to run the government. Win Win.