2012 Prius v Non-ATP NAV update available? What version is current? How much? Anyone able to "Do it yourself"?
There are two updates, one to the software, one to the data. For me the dealer did the s/w update for free during a routine service visit after I complained of slow respose and lack of adequate warning times. For the map data, hold onto your wallet!! Requires the purchase of a package from the parts dept and the use of the dealer's diagnostic machine to go online to do the update. Be nice but firm and the dealer may reduce the labor charge a bit, the data package price can be reduced too but not by much. Compared to buying a new portable, the update will cost more and will be a year out of date even at installation. IIRC the updates come out in November so hold off action till then. We had occasion to rent a van for a week trip with three grandkids and took along a ten year old TomTom with 5 year old maps. We were reminded how much better we liked it than any of the two Toyota supplied NAV systems and it cost 1/5 as much initially and 1/6 as much to keep up to date with quarterly downloaded updates versus yearly dealer service required ones.
The newest version can be found here, which is currently 5.1 (was released Aug 20th of 2015). Previously I think the version was 3.2. https://securedp.toyota.com/download-app/toyotaHeadUnits Sorry I see you wanted the NAV update... for this unfortunately you will need to go to the dealer as the updates for that are downloaded from the TechStream software direct from Toyota. I think I remember reading it's possible to buy the "unlock" code yourself and bring it to the dealer to save some money, but it might not be worth the effort.
Lexcyn - I see you're also located in Canada. Did you attempt the update even if our units don't support Entune here? Thank you!
They discontinued the bing search tool. Even if you do not upgrade vehicle Entune, you will get a "Sorry this function is no longer supported" message if you try to use the bing search.
Yep I did. It worked fine. I noticed the interface being a bit more responsive but no change to anything else as far as I can tell. Still no access to any of the apps.
Hmmmm that is odd. I tried the update and my system did not even recognize the newer version as per the instructions. I'll try again then...
Did you put just the one file on the USB? Not the zip file but the ISO. And make sure its FAT or FAT32 formatted.
Yes. I followed those instructions. I can only assume my car was perhaps delivered with that update already done. As per the site, it says it was released on Aug 20th and my car was purchased on Aug 18th.
Some folks suggested to use a 8GB or smaller USB drive (instead of the 64gb I was using)... same results. Nothing happens, no pop-ups confirming the upgrade to a newer version. When I access the "System information" under "General", I get a 100 page legal disclaimer and no software version, therefore I have no clue if I'm 5.1 or 3.2 . I did see a model ID: 13TDANNA-DA01 which from what I am told is the Panasonic audio/display panel ID for the Prius v.
"Thank God" it didn't let you. Yes, Toyota switched manufacturers to Panasonic in 2015 model year, and you would have updated your Panasonic unit with a different product's software. It sounds like a disaster if successful!
Strangely, the latest update I can find on the site: Welcome to Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Inc. Toyota is TOYH-EXT01-13 or 2013 Don't try Carson Toyota anymore. They seem to have done away with their online/discount pricing. Parts departments should have the correct part # for the "activation card". Since you are in SoCal I got a great deal from Wondries in Alhambra. They allowed me to use a discount coupon from their site for $20 off the card. Then Ben in service charged me absolutely nothing to have it installed... Not sure if they'll do the same for everyone, but I'm going back again in the future....