I found these frayed wires while I was changing the transmission fluid the other day. Does anybody know what they lead to? And maybe a part number to where I can order a new wiring harness.
agreed it looks like an O2 sensor, you can use electrical tape on the wires, just wrap them individually
Yep. Looks like it snagged on something. As suggested, wrap each lead individually, then cover with a piece of split wire loom.
That's what I thought they were so I wrap them individually and just took them away. No codes or any other indications that they were damaged I just found them when I was underneath the car. Was thinking about just ordering a new harness all together but we'll see.
If your not throwing 02 sensor related codes I wouldnt worry about it. Anything else that snags those wires while the car is in motion is going to rip them out easily no matter what you try, they are just wires after all. If you wrapped them up they are as protected as they will ever be. Good catch