This began as an intermittant problem but seems to have stopped completely. The fuse looks okay. Is there a relay that could be causing the problem?
I think that you should first remove and check the blower motor to see if that is the problem (which is most likely.) If not, then the AC amplifier may be the problem. If you remove the cabin air filter you may be able to reach down and spin the blower (while the fan switch is turned on.) If you can get it to run after spinning it, then you'll know that part has failed.
A blown fuse or relay would not cause the problem intermittent operation. I would try Patrick Wong's solution and if you can try blowing some air from a compressor into it. It could just be dusty.
give the plastic cover below the lower glove box a hit. with the fan on high speed mine always starts going again.
That would pretty much indicate brushes wearing out on the motor. Not an unknown issue with electrical motors in Toyota products (do a Google on "Toyota Starter Motor brushes). If I were you, I'd just change that rascal out before Winter. Or Summer. Or whenever you intend to be comfortable on a daily basis. Don't know if you can get the brushes or are capable of changing them. If not, the motor (generic, aftermarket) is pretty cheap ($65? or so). Toyota Prius Heater Blower Motor with Fan Cage at
I had similar symptoms after 130,000 miles on my 2009 prius. At first, the fan worked intermittently and would come on if I kept clicking on the buttons. Then it would only come on if I did the "bang on the panel underneath the glove box" trick, but when I turned the car off and restarted, the fan would not work again so I had to bang on the panel every time I started the car. Then I read about the filter behind the glove box, so I removed the glove box (easy steps, just fingers, no tools, can be found online). I removed the filter and cleaned it. Then, before putting the filter back in, I sprayed some silicone spray down into the motor/fan, through the hole where the filter goes, and then replaced the filter and put the glove box back. Ever since, my fan has been working flawlessly! Hurrah!
I need some help here in fixing my AC problem. It started intermittently and has stopped functioning completely. I have followed everything that is said on this thread and everything is fine. I replaced the blower motor and it still did not turn on, when 12v was applied to the blower fan directly it worked fine. All the fuses are good and don't know how to test the relay to see if they are bad.
Are you having this problem when using the controls on the steering wheel? Is it ok if you use the dashboard controls?
None of the controls work, neither the steering wheel nor the dashboard controls work. Before the A/C use to come on at its own will, but now has completely stopped.
A relay is basically an electronic switch controlled by an electromagnet. You can test a relay with a 9v battery and a digital multimeter. Apply voltage to the coil terminals on the relay and listen for the switch inside clicking closed and open when you apply and remove power. You can measure resistance across the switch terminals to verify that the contacts are conducting properly when the circuit is closed. Also, you can measure resistance across the coil terminals.
Is there a resistor for the blower in the Prius? I know with an older car there was a flat piece that you could pull out, it had different resistors built into the plate. Replaced the plate ourselves (pretty easy) and the problem was fixed. But I"m not sure if that's true for the Prius.
With those old resister speed controls, high always still worked (no resisters in the circuit for HIGH). Easy way to test the relay is to swap it with another. Toyota uses the same one for more than one function. An inexpensive volt-meter (Harbor Freight) on the blower wires (two) would tell you if voltage is present at the various speeds. Voltage present = bad motor. No voltage = bad controller circuit. There are no resister arrays on today's cars. They use solid state choppers or similar; typically replaced with a used unit. You could make a switch of your own, even with a couple of resistors, to get a three speed fan with minimal parts or knowledge. I'd use the control from an old box fan. But I suspect that the faulty part is probably still present on most junked Prii. 'Bout time to start seeing these cars at local pick and pull junk yards soon. I hope.
God I love this site. My blower motor was not working today. I after looking I here i put the keys in and gave the plastic below the glove box a few whaps and it came on. You guys seem to have it all covered heheh.
My Blower start doing a clicking noise a week ago,but changing the fan speed, the click goes away, now its goin up and down, not matter if set it auto or by fan speed, also on top speed does not blow any strong,yesterday i remove the filter to check the blower,turned on the ac and blower did not sart until i touch it,just to be 200% sure.remplacing the motor blower will fix the problem?
welcome! test the blower with 12v directly first. there is also a pc board in there that can be the problem. and, of course, the switch, but it is not usually an issue.
Hey do you guys have any advice for me, I have a 2015 Prius and I replaced my blower motor about a year ago when it quit and everything worked fine. Just a couple days ago, my fan just stopped all of a sudden. The last time, it was self evident that it was the blower because it was going on and off, or if I hit it, it’d work. This time the fan just quit without any indication. I have not idea what is causing it. I switched the fuses with spares but that didn’t work. I am a bit short on cash at the moment so I can’t buy parts randomly. Do any of you have any clue what it could possibly be? Please note, I am not a car buff and have not much clue what is what. Simple explanatory answers would be best. Thanks a lot