The front grill is too big, much like the Mirai. The large size of the tires and wheels is going to contribute to increased rolling and air resistance. The low roof line will reduce head room and cargo volume. I'm not sure if the bumper and light locations are legal in all jurisdictions in which it would be sold. I'm equally unsure if it could be made to pass the crash test requirements. On the way to work this morning, I was trying to think of parameters and features less important to me than the way a car looks. It took a while, but I was able to come up with one, but only one - vanity mirrors.
The Prius is a wagon, you're pointing at a sedan Apples and oranges Butt... How bout a heated steering wheel, 7" of clearance, all wheel drive, ventilated seats, and shocks and springs that weren't bought at farm supply.
Meh. It's like the last-gen Hyundai creased styling or the current Lexus spindle grille being applied to their entire lineup, whether appropriate or not (LX570? Really?) they're striking, gaudy designs that won't age well. The Batmobile beak in the first photo would become a parody of itself in a few years. I'll take the design we're getting over that. It's evolutionary (aside from the taillight) but I think it will age well.
I agree with most of the above comments. What I dislike most about what we have seen in the G4 thus far, is moving the roof high point forward. That really really creates a profile that I dislike. Hopefully it's poor camera angle?
Yes, that's more like it. A much more refined look. It seems Toyota was going in a more utilitarian direction.
Well jeez I didnt mean inch for inch, I would expect it to have a hatchback and some pizza cutter tires. I think it should of gone with a more refined look than the more sporty look of a Ford probe.
Plenty of things have the point of maximum thickness well forward of center. There's nothing weird about it.
I'll wager the NS4 rear shape does not jive with the Prius goals for cargo room given the Prius footprint (length and width). IOW, you'd be giving away a good chunk of cargo room for that cool exterior look, and maybe rear seat headroom would tank also.That front end wouldn't end up on any family car. Something more exotic, yes. I think most non-hybrid, Prius, plug-in, alt vehicles lovers would find the NS4 greenhouse on a car to be a bit odd anyway.
Lee Jay, Well, a 747 wouldn't be too practical with the cockpit back over the wings would it? How about a GeeBee? I'm not interested in continuing a debate. I take no offense at your comment. Some others writers on this thread, however, seem to imply they are the final word, and ridicule other opinions. I expressed an opinion. Fortunately, we are all entitled to an opinion. Actually, I just bought another 2015 Toyota Hybrid, which I am really enjoying. I am not in the Prius market, and only read this thread because I am interested in what others think. I like to see the spy shots, and read the technical discussions.
I believe one of Toyota's goals was to lower the hood a little bit on new Prius, make it a little more horizontal, and bring windshield a little more upright. That alone seems to be reason for bringing roof peak little more forward. People seem to be happy with 2nd Gen and its 'more forward ' roof peak.