When I purchased my car, it came with these side window decals. Well my window was shattered sometime last night (police suggested a rock or a bird? hit it) and I'm getting the window and tint replaced. I would like to match the decal as well since all 3 of the other windows have it. Does anyone know where I could get it? In the picture, it's the white line near the bottom of the window that says "Prius". Thanks in advance.
Your Prius came with that? Because that isn't something that is standard. I'd check with the dealership you bought it from, assuming you bought it new, because if they added it as an add on, they would know how to get another. If they sold it to you with those decals, yours can't be the only one. LOL! I googled Prius window decals. Unfortunately or interestingly this lead to many "Anti-Prius" decals, conceivably meant to be used by others to express their anti-Prius stance. Evidently the Prius is still hated by some, enough to support an entire branch of decals specifically designed to allow others to vent this hatred. Good Luck.
Lol I had done the same thing Electric and I saw those "Cool prius" ones and I kinda liked it... But yeah I'm planning on giving the original dealership a call and seeing if they can help. I had already called them earlier today to try to get a match on the window tint but didn't think to ask about the decal.