I am having problems with the fuel gauge on my Prius 2007. While i was driving with 3 bars of fuel remaining, the trip was reset to zero by itself and the fuel bar became 10 bars (full). I refill the fuel by make it full tank and drive more than 200 miles (in city) but the fuel bars go down only two bars (normally it consumes more than 5 bars). Could you please advise what is the problems and how to get it fixed? You advise will be very much appreciated. sanlen
If your Prius is not North American version you can take out the fuel sending unit and test the fuel level sender that’s in the tank. And you can even test it without taking it out.
@sanlen, did this happen while you were driving, or did you shut down the car with 3 bars, and then the next start it had 10 bars? If the latter, have you checked the health of the 12 V battery? If it is < ~12.1 V and drops to below 10.5V on start up, you will need to charge it up fully. If the battery will not achieve ~12.9-13.2 V and then maintain > 12.7 V after sitting overnight, you will need to replace the 12 V battery. Do all the voltage checks at the battery with the car off and not having run for at least 2 hours.