I'd been putting off washing the car back in June/July, then the Greater Vancouver water restrictions came in: no washing the car in the driveway. So it's been getting increasingly grubby. Finally got some rain, and it supposed to continue for a few days. So I thought I'd give it a try: rolled the car out, let it get good and wet, then went out with bucket and sponge, no spray hose. It's still sitting there, in the "rinse cycle".
If you finally got rain, maybe there is hope for us. Clever solution, hope the rinse cycle lasts long enough.
I've always wanted to do this! I love the rain and play in it all the time with my daughter and grand daughter. Will have to do it sometime soon.
Yeah we're supposed to get something like 120 mm in next 3~4 days. There was a lull so I went out with terry cloth rags and wiped it down. Rain started up again, second rinse.
That's a new technology called "soil erosion." It works well on a car's horizontal surfaces, not so well on vertical or downward-facing areas. For those, I use a one-quart spray bottle. EDIT: Intended word "vertical" replaced unintended second "horizontal" (which made no sense).
Rumor has it that once January comes around, better get the hip boots out because California will be getting more than our share. More than enough to restore all of the water above and below ground. And snow. [Please let my source be accurate.] Mike
I do, but I think some day soon the water Nazi's will bust me even tho I'm keeping below my monthly water allotment.
i've never appreciated, that during water restrictions, they tell you how you can use the water, instead of a maximum usage.
I would recommend a good battening down of any hatches if you live along the southern tier of the southwestern continental United States. Basically from southern Cali to west Texas and as far north as southern UT/CO. The threat period begins about November and runs through probably February. My spidey senses are tingling on this one. I use the shear force of falling rain drops plus highway speed to blast dirt and bugs off the car. I still have to give it a good wash every month or so. It would be nice to wash the car in the rain, but our storms are usually accompanied by much flash and boom.
My only comment is in the past I have owned Black vehicles. And people would warn me how hard they were to keep clean. BUT..I also live in the Pacific Northwest, where it rains a lot. My feeling always was that as long as I kept the vehicle with a good coating of wax, the rain often kept it clean. So the penalty of owning a black colored vehicle was really minimized for most of the year. Yes, rain can keep your vehicle cleaner.