So I've been in market to buy a new 2015 Prius 2, and just got email from dealer saying cash back from Toyota is now a total of 3500 - it was 3000 prior to today. I called another dealer to verify, and now I'm looking at 18,864$ before tax and whatnot. Now I'm glad we didn't buy one on Saturday ... note to self after buying car ... delete all Toyota tabs on browser! (Don't want to find another cheaper price after buying ! haha)
I just noticed this. It is a good time to buy. I will definitely buy a prius two if the dealer sticks with the truecar pricing. Plan: Get Prius Save money Buy a Tesla in 5-6 years!
What you do is buy the prius now and AVOID the toyota website and news related to the prius. Then you will feel no remorse .
I did math a bit ago and realized the Toyota cash back offers expire Sept 8th which is also when the Gen 4 (2016) model is revealed... kinda makes me wonder if the Toyota cash back offers will increase ???? We're not in a hurry to purchase, so another ten days won't kill us ... I think the rumor is that the 2016 model will be larger, and that would be bad for us - we have a very tight parking spot (in San Fran), and even the 2015 model is going to be 4.4 inches longer than our current car ... so it's not a question of if we hit the wall trying to park - it's when. So we do have to get a 2015... just have to get timing for best deal.
I live in NoCal ... and I can't post a links but you can google this: freeman toyota - they have 9 under 19k. I used autotrader to search and didn't get quite this close ... and I did sign up for TrueCar just to see how close the dealer discount went down to their dealer cost. TrueCar sent me an email with 3 dealers that were pretty close to this price, and much closer to SanFran where I live. If I was going to use the TrueCar price at a dealer that I got a quote from - I think I would avoid telling them about TrueCar, and just talk to whoever's name is in the email, and let them know you got a quote from them via email. Chances are they won't quibble with you too much and you could always break out the TrueCar email if needed. Oh and the dealer I found that super low price from was not in autotrader or sfgate (our newspaper up here) I found them by using Yelp, and searching at every Toyota dealer in the Bay Area... took awhile, but I found me a low price one.
Wow... Here in New England, we only have the $2000 cash back until 9/8. Truecar prices is a few dollars over $20k (before TTL). Hard to resist w/ pricing like that.
@GreenMonster - I took a quick look at Boston and Autotrader and found Prius 2 available for 19,467$... so there is more than 2000 Toyota cashback ... otherwise they couldn't get that far down. They just may not be advertising it effectively or properly ... as in like trying to keep some of it for themselves. I think you should be able to get under 19k as things stand now at least until Sept 8th when the Toyota cashback offers expire. (Keep in mind the dealer discount should be ~2900 regardless of Toyota's cashback offer.)
In NJ the offer is 0% interest and $1000 cash back. Promotions run week to week until the inventory is at the desired level. If there is enough leftover inventory the promotion will be extended or increased.
Yeah, I saw those too... might have added the college grad, military or loyality $500 offers to get it down to that price. I was looking at Prius C, but the liftback offers more bang for the buck at those prices.
You may be 1/2 kidding here, but that's a wise approach IMO. I LOVE researching all the information about a vehicle I'm considering. I look at everything I can find. But once I've bought? I stop. Don't really need to torture myself with finding that marginally better deal I missed or finding out NEXT years model is going to come standard with an Extra I did NOT get on mine. I think the chances I personally arrange the BEST deal ever or possible? Near to impossible. So I don't see any benefit in torturing myself ONCE I've already made the purchase. That money back, and that price? Sounds to me like a really good deal. As long as you're NOT going to have Next Gen Model remorse. This is probably a real good time to grab a Gen 3 if you want one.