My apologies for posting in two spots, but i didn't get much of a response on the lrr tire thread. I have a 2009 185-65-15 tire size. Although, I planned to get Nokian wrg3 tires this winter, a series of unfortunate events has led to my having to replace at least 2 tires immediately. So I need to make a quick decision. 1. Get 2 or 4 of the cheapest tires possible and then replace all 4 in December 2. Get uniroyal tiger paw (tie guy says great in snow) 4 for about $400 3. Get Bridgestone Ecopia 422; 4 for about $400, plus $70 rebate 4. Get Bridgestone Ecopia 422 plus for about $520, plus $70 rebate 5. Get the Nokians. I had them before and liked them. Will be extremely expensive right now; I usually buy 3 get 1 in November or December. The issue is not starting the winter with the freshest tires. I drive around 80 miles a day, so over 7000 miles by snowfall. Whatever I do, it needs resolution asap; I'm driving an express van (ouch!) instead of the prius! I have to special order everything but the tiger paw. Thanks, Sharon
I think you should get 4 QUALITY news tires and be done with it. I like option 3 over option 4, even though it's the same thing, it's cheaper
Yeah, definitely get 4 new tires instead of 2 used ones only to later be replaced. Since you live in a snow state, why not get 2 sets of tires? 1 set for snow, 1 set for rain/dry?
I second the motion for Continental True Contacts. From reading TireRack and Consumer Reports, they seem the best choice. They're exactly what I bought to replace the wonderful-but-worn-out Goodyear TripleTreds on my 2004. As soon as they're in the store and on the car, I'll be able to provide a more personal experience.
If, by the halfway point, you mean that the tire wore more in the center than the edges, then that means you were running your Ecopias at too higher a pressure, in other words they were over-inflated. Try a lower pressure on your Conti's, otherwise they will follow the same fate. How much did you really save by wearing your Ecopias out prematurely?
The halfway point of the tire life. By 27,000 miles of the 54,000 miles I used them, the tread was more than 60% worn. I used the standard pressure about 35psi. Also, I drive very conservatively - most of the time anyway. I dread following blue hairs and gravel haulers.
Nokian are great snow tires. I've had a set of entyre which they call all season, but I can tell you they feel like snows. I had a set of ecopia 422s which I loved for 3 Buffalo winters. I currently have the plus version, but haven't gone through a winter yet.
Thanks everyone. I'm leaning toward the old ecopias because they've been highly recommended on this list for years. Since my first new prius in 2004, I've only driven the various iterations of the Nokian WR Gx. While I've been pleased, for the most part, I've wondered about trying some of the other recommended tires. Here is my chance to do so at a decent price, with the discontinued model.
+1 on NEW set of FOUR tires. Hang onto the two tires w/ useable tread, then you have these options: * Maybe see if a smaller tire store or smaller service station will buy the old ones, say $5-10/each, b/c they'll probably try to turn around and sell them for $25-40/each. * List the two useable ones on Craig's List. * Maybe you have a friend w/ a Prius who will be in need of two tires. * Hang onto the tires, as spares if you don't get a road hazard warranty for the new four tires.
I have maybe 10 km on new TrueContacts - my initial impressions are that they are much quieter. The steering wheel also seems slightly easier to turn, which may be because I went back to the OEM 185/65 from the 195/60 I had on the car last. I made the mistake of enquiring why 195/60 were not available, and got a surprising amount of legality/liability BS in return. Keep having those tire sales, Canadian Tire, because you're not making it on service.