I had a 2010 Prius II, drove it until the lease ran out, then to a Camry. Today I traded in the Camry for a used blue 2015 C III with 7,900 miles on it. Man it feel great to be back in a Prius, it is taking some remembering on how to "drive" also what a change in the display over the years and two models. I went with a C because it is the size I need, the dealer asked why I was trading in my Camry I told him Iooked into my crystal ball and foresee fuel prices going up dramatically in the not too distant future so I want a car which gets amazing fuel mileage.
I would be interested on your views between the models -- and the Camry too. What has Toyota done right. My PC3 may be passed on the road; but I pass more gas stations than the average driver.