Hi. I am fairly new. I got gas today for the first time in my Prius C 2. When I was don I reset trip meter 1 than I reset trip meter 2. What did I do wrong. Did I mess the computer up by doing that? Should I not have set back trip 2. Please someone help me with this. I have less than 600 miles on the car.
sorry, see my edit.^ i would have done the same, but if you want a lifetime, you shouldn't reset two.
The main things I use the trip meter for are: 1. A ready reference as to how far I've gone since the last fill up 2. A how-am-I-doing on the mpg (albeit exaggerated, by Toyota) And one trip meter does me fine. For logging fuel consumption per tank, I use the current and previous odometer readings. This displays every time the car is shut down, regardless of what you have trip set to, for about a minute. It's the only reading that can't be accidentally reset. I do use the trip meter too, but just for feedback, and as a crosscheck against the odometer.
For lifetime mpg, I use a paper fuel log and a spreadsheet on a computer. The trip meters are susceptible to getting accidentally reset not only by the driver, but also by shop technicians when during maintenance service. The later has happened to me twice.
I've never reset any trip so both of mine are lifetime. To avoid the techs reset the lifetime trip I've always left my screen at ODO reading. Last time I checked my lifetime MPG was about 65MPG, just don't know how far off the computer is.
I think any time the 12 volt is connected that "lifetime" trip meter is gonna be gone. And Toyota pads the mpg by around 7.5% in my experience.
I do my mpg by tank. I then write down the miles each tank got and manually do the math to figure out lifetime mpg. The trips only go to 10k then reset.