I've been having issues with my beloved 2003 with a little over 130k with warning lights going on and off. I went to O'Reilly's they gave me the codes P3130 and P0303. One of codes states "misfiring on all cylinders," they didn't have a description for the other one. Dealership won't tell me anything about what the codes mean. The warning lights are an exclamation point inside a triangle, check engine, and what looks like a thermometer in red. Just got the oil changed a little over a week ago, dealership said they didn't notice any problems. Warning lights came back on last Thursday and just disappeared about an hour ago. Please share what you know, what you're experience was with these codes, what repair resolved the problem. Thanks!
P3130: check the inverter coolant pump which probably is not circulating coolant. If you do not see turbulence in the inverter coolant reservoir, the pump is not working or there is air in the system. P0303: check cylinder 3 for a problem causing a misfire - such as water in the spark plug well or a faulty spark igniter, spark plug, or fuel injector.
Thanks Patrick, I'll follow your instructions. One thing that's confusing is why did the warning lights go off by itself? I didn't do anything.
Had my ME friend check and there's no water in the spark plug well, spark plug looks good. He said he didn't see any turbulence in the reservoir. He also said it looked like there was spill over, because of white residue.
It sounds like you need a new inverter coolant pump. When you turn the key to ignition, the pump should be running. It's located behind the driver side headlight, just below and to the right of the inverter if you're facing the engine. You'll see the pump is mounted to a bracket and there will be 2 hoses attached to it. Take the cap off the reservoir to verify that there's no fluid moving. To access the pump, the driver's side headlight needs to be removed. This includes taking the wheel well plastic shield most of the way off as well as the front bumper cover to get the headlight out. Kind of a pain in the butt, but not too hard. You can Google the inverter pump for a picture. And you can buy it online for less than the normal dealership price. I just paid $189 + tax from the dealer because I didn't want to wait for it to be shipped to me. Hope this helps.