Hi guys, I really like Carista but it fails to work with my generic (as in cheap...) ELM327 bluetooth OBD II reader. I want to order a new device and I've noticed that Vgate have a model with a power on/off switch on it. Does anyone have it and tried it with Carista? Will it allow all tweaks? If not - any recommendation for a OBD II bluetooth reader that you tried and does work well? Thanks a lot!
Great app! I had a similar issue and bought a second OBDII that was more reliable. Check out this thread, might find better answers
Thanks! I did read the thread but failed to find an answer to know if the vgate bluetooth adapter works or not with the app.
Hey, so how did it go in the end? Did Carista work with the vgate adapter? Just FYI, there's now an official Carista OBD adapter that works with both Android and iOS: Hardware | Carista OBD2 - Vehicle Diagnostics and Customization
Good to hear. After you use the Carista app for a bit, it would be cool if you could post your feedback/review about it in this thread. Thanks